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Sitting to the side of the stage, she kept her back firmly to any equipment she could. There's was a ton of extra security tonight but she was on edge, nervous about someone jumping her from behind. This feeling was so new to her, she didn't know how to process it or act normally after such trauma.

Her whole face throbbed, from the now stitched up cut on one side of her face to the ever growing bruise that had developed on the other. She was a mess, she had three stitches in her scalp to top it all off. They reckoned the first blow that caused all the bruising was from a kick with some heavy boots. It definitely hurt like it was.

The show carried on as normal, she noticed Frank and Gerard both keeping a check on her from their positions onstage. Gerard was trying hard to act like nothing was wrong but his movements on stage were different tonight. Anger fuelled, and his costume choice of the night had been tears of blood falling from his eyes. He always channels his emotions into his art, music being no exception. She hoped the fans just thought of it all as part of the act, she knew him too well though. Knowing he was channelling his anger and hurt into his performance.

She opened her phone camera screen and flipped the screen to show her face. Gasping at her image, she touched her fingers lightly to her injuries. It looked worse than she imagined, the police had taken photographs earlier but she had avoided her reflection until this moment. Wanting to be alone, no one to see her reaction.

The bruising spread across her cheek and jaw, like a galaxy of pain, a mixture of colours. She knew it would heal however, it was the sliced skin on her other cheek that commanded all of her attention. It ran from under her eye all the way down to her jawline, a red angry reminded of tonight's events. She had small, neat stitches running down it, they had wanted to glue it but found it was too large and stitched. She was lucky it hadn't run deeper and none of her facial muscles were affected. Not normally one to be vain she knew this appearance was shocking, and would leave a scar.

Not knowing why she snapped a photograph of her face. She would keep it and track progress most likely but it was also evidence for herself. Sighing she tucked the phone back into her pocket and turned back towards the stage to watch the show. She hadn't realised the music had stopped and Gerard was talking into the Mic.

".......rumours. now rumours always happen but these have now led to someone important to me getting physically hurt. So don't listen to ridiculous rumours, respect your fellow people and call out the bullshit.......when real people get hurt its a fucking problem.."

She cursed herself for missing what else he said, as she watched him walk off the stage towards her. Frowning and confused she stood still as he approached her. His eyes fell to the cut on her face before gently placing a light kiss on her lips, so gentle like he was afraid she would break. Breaking the kiss he gave her a sad smile before walking back onto stage to carry on the show to the now confused fans.

She appreciated him, his need to reassure her and show his feeling towards her, but she knew this behaviour from him on stage was going to lead to more rumours. That would only stir up more problems in the long run, she just wished everything could be normal.

"How are you doing? And no bullshit telling me your fine and shit" She heard Frank say from beside her.

He had just left the stage for Gerard to sing solo for the final song of the night. She appreciated him not babying her and talking to her straight.

"On edge, sore, confused....feeling like shit" She replied honestly.

"I'd be worried if you weren't feeling like that. I'm sorry I dragged you into all this bullshit, I never imagined....." Frank said trailing off.

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