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TW// gun, gunshots, being held at gunpoint

Tommy's POV

I jumped from rooftop to rooftop. I was on my way to the abounded warehouse that me and my mate Tubbo used as a base. The two of us have matching necklaces that look like compasses. Tubbo had put his engineering skills to work, and somehow made them to where they always point to each other instead of pointing North, so we always know where each other is.

I slid through the broken out window.

"Heya, Tubs!" I said. He threw his hand up, wordlessly waving as he did something on his computer. "Wacha doin'?" I asked. "Making you something." He replied. "Ooh! What is it?"

"Well, I've noticed that you look pretty similar when you are and aren't wearing your mask, so I'm making you a mask that shields the entire upper part of your face. Still a raccoon looking thing, but now nobody will have the chance of recognizing you without your mask on." He said.

I felt very touched.

"Aw, thanks, boss man!" I smiled, pulling a chair over next to him as he pressed the print button on his computer. "There. It should be done 3D printing in about half an hour." He said.

"I always knew you had my back for literally everything!" I lightly punched his shoulder. He smiled, lightly chuckling.

"Wouldn't the media flip if they found out the Theseus had a sidekick?" He giggled. "Sidekick? No, no, Tubbo. You are no sidekick. You're, well, I guess my right hand man! Not a sidekick. That makes you sound stupid and weak. We've been through enough together for me to know that you aren't weak." I said, pulling him into a side hug.

He laid his head on me.

"Thanks, man." He smiled.

Suddenly, I heard gunshots in the distance. I've never enjoyed gunshots. They make me nervous.

"Time to go fight some crime, ol' buddy." Tubbo punched my shoulder. "I'll have your mask ready when you get back."

I grinned, slipping on my black raccoon mask, plus the black face mask that covers my lower face, and hoped through the window.

I soared across the building tops to where I heard the shots. I spotted a guy holding a lady with short pink hair at gunpoint. I guess the other shots were just to scare her.

I jumped down from the building right on top of him, tackling him to the ground. I knocked the gun out of his hand, tieing a rope around his hands so he couldn't attack.

"Oh my god, thank you, Theseus!" The lady said, still shook up a bit. I smiled, nodding, although she couldn't see my smile. I never speak when I'm in my suit. No one knows what I sound like, that way, nobody will recognize my voice.

I now recognized the girl. Her name is Nikki. She owns a small shop down the road from here that I go to a lot. Her and I are good friends, though she doesn't know that I'm Theseus. I talk to her about my problems a lot, since I don't like to vent to Tubbo because he has enough problems as it is. We share a lot of problems.

The girl looked over behind me, her eyes widening. I felt a presence directly behind me. I turned around fast, seeing the number one hero, Blade. I backed away before he could try to grab me, though, he didn't try to.

"Theseus." He said, his voice monotone and intimidating.

"B-L-A-D-E." I signed. I always use sign language instead of talking when I'm in my suit. That was I can still sort of communicate. Did he even know sign language? Probably not.

"I can't sign, Theseus." Blade chuckled.

He looked down, picking up the guy who had started to slither away by the collar of his shirt.

"I'll take him to the police station for you. Don't worry, I'll give you the credit." He said.

I shook my head, signing, "no, don't. The media will flip if they find out you helped me." He tilted his head, obviously not understanding me. I sighed.

"He said not to tell because the media will flip when they find out you helped him." Nikki said. I stood shocked. "You know sign?" I signed to her. "Yes, I do!" She said while signing it.

"Ok, then. I won't credit you." Blade said, still slightly confused as to why I wouldn't want credit for taking the guy down.

A few seconds later, Blade led with the guy.

"Thank you again, Theseus!" Nikki smiled, waving as she sped off. I waved back.

I sighed, heading back towards Tubbo and I's base.

"Back already?" Tubbo asked as I slid through the window. I exhaled. "Yup." "Did something happen? Besides the shooter, I mean. You seem kinda...I dunno...worked up?" He said. "Y-Yeah, I guess. Blade showed up. He didn't try to arrest me, though. I dunno, it's weird." I said.

"Ah, well, I'm glad you're ok. You're mask is done, by the way!" He smiled, jumping up from his seat and skipping over to me, handing me the raccoon mask. I slid off the one I was currently wearing and and one covering my lower face, and put on the new one.

"You look great! Much more intimidating too!" Tubbo smiled, happy with his work. "Thanks, man, I appreciate this." I said. He nodded. "Maybe I'll be able to breathe better too without having that awful second mask on."

I looked at him for a moment before pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks, Toby." I said. He slimed patting my back.

"My pleasure, boss man."

Words: 955

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