act iii - december 25th

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scene i
Ah, Christmas. The busiest time of the year.
Ajax had definitely been truthful about how busy they get on and around Christmas.
Zhongli expected Ajax to tame down the doting, with every room filled, and all, but, he had almost upped the ante, if you would believe it. Purposefully seeking him out, sticking by him even after he really should have been going to bed, and inviting him to almost everything, be it a run for his mom, or to hang out with the family, or really anywhere they could both fit.
Zhongli thinks if he looked up the definition of "hot and heavy," he would find a picture of Ajax. Not that he mined.
Though, they haven't kissed since the ferris wheel, or mentioned it.
Ajax is sitting across from him now, taking his umpteenth break. Teucer sits in his lap, fiddling with a small toy.
"I'm not trying to hate, but, really? Mary Did You Know?"
"Yes, that one is my favourite, and I'm sticking to it. I will not be bullied into whatever secular crap you like."
Ajax puts his hands up defensively.
"Really, I'm just shocked. It's not a bad one... but to be a favourite? I just can't understand it."
"Fine, then. What's your favourite?"
Ajax looks really thoughtful, a finger over his mouth.
"Feliz Navidad."
"FELIZ NAVIDAD? Feliz Navidad is your favourite, and you're confused on how my favourite could be Mary Did You Know, an undeniable classic?"
Ajax laughs at Zhongli's frustration.
"Ok, ok, I'm pulling your leg. my favourite is probably... that christmas song by Paul McCartney."
Zhongli sighs and rolls his eyes, chuckling.
"I think Feliz Navidad is a better choice than that."
Ajax huffs.
"Could you make up your mind?"
Teucer suddenly pipes up.
"You're both wrong. The best Christmas song is We Wish You a Merry Christmas," he huffs his input, crossing his arms.
"Controversial take! That is a good one though, bud," Ajax ruffles his hair.
Teucer swats his hands away and hops off of Ajax's lap, running off to pester someone else.
Ajax watches as he runs off, before pushing himself up from the seat.
"I had better get back to work," he sighs, "text me if you need anything."
"Don't work too hard."
"Never in a million years!" he walks away, leaving Zhongli to think about what kind of powerpoint to make.
His phone chirps, and he flicks it open to see a new email from his boss.

heeeyyyy zhonglii <33
First and foremost, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a good one despite being away from home. :) Don't forget to TAKE IT EASY!!!! I know you're a total workaholic, and it's important to stop and smell the roses.
Second, thanks so much for all the notes! It's like I've been there, with all this useful info.
NOW! The reason I'm writing to you is to ask if you have a rough idea of the presentation you need to give upon your arrival. (don't stress if not, you definitely have some time!) If so, please attach it in your response! I'd love to do all i can to help you out with it, even if it's just reading it over or even something silly like picking a theme on powerpoint.
Alright, one more thing, and I'm out of your hair. I was wondering if you could get some pictures around town, in the inn, anything that seems like a good selling point for this place. It would really give the bigwigs and execs something to look at and hopefully serve to get them in the thinkspace for the whole project, in general. I would just use google images, but i think there's a certain... charm to know who took the pictures. Thanks so much in advance! :)
Stay warm!
your bossu chan <3
Senior Director Hu Tao, Wangshu Hotels Company

Senior Director Hu Tao,
Merry Christmas to you as well!
I'm pleased to know you found my notes helpful! I had hoped to get more done, but we have plenty of time before anything concrete. I only just started on my presentation, and I would love your input on the design of it. I know what info I intend to put on each slide, but you're much better at making them more appealing than I am, ha-ha.
I love the photos idea! I will be sure to grab as many more as I can! :) I'll attach to this email the photos I already took, and the points for the presentation.
Creative and Marketing Director Zhongli Morax, Wangshu Hotels Company

He saves the email draft and snaps his phone shut, and stands up to retreat to his room.

scene ii
Ajax finds himself being an errand runner for his mother, again.
At this particular moment, he's on a mission to track down quite a few coffee beans.
The only problem with that, is that it's christmas day, so he can't just wander into any store and get any bag of coffee beans, so he's walking to the people they usually buy coffee from, but to their home instead of their store, which isn't much further.
It's pretty peaceful, even in the freezing cold. The snow and rock salt crunches beneath his boots as he carries on, occasionally having to stop himself from slipping, but nothing too drastic.
The street is empty save for the occasional car, and children out playing in the snow.
Walking like this is a nice sanctuary from the hecticness of the inn.
For a fleeting moment he wishes he could share the tranquillity with Zhongli, before feeling his face heat up at the thought of it.
He arrives at the Door of the Ragnvindr's, and takes his fists out of his pockets only to ring the doorbell, before shoving them right back in.
A tall man with long red hair answers the door.
"Why hello, Ajax! Happy Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas, Mr.Ragnvindr!"
"Just what can I do you for, on this fine morning? And, do come in, it's far too cold to let you stand out there!"
Crepus pulls the door further open, urging Ajax inside. Ajax obliges him, and steps in after stomping his feet on the mud mat outside.
Inside, Diluc and her brother, Kaeya sit on a leather couch, watching something on the television. in the corner next to the couch, a round, happy Christmas tree stands, haloed by the sunlight coming in through the window behind it. Diluc shoots Ajax a glare, before returning her attention to the television program.
"My mom actually sent me on an errand. We're really low on, hang on-" he pulls a scrap of paper from his coat pocket, "decaf beans, hazelnut beans, and ecuadorian beans. She was wondering if you had any at home that we could buy off you." Ajax fishes around in his pocket for the once neatly folded up envelope of cash, and holds it out to him
Crepus chuckles and pushes his hand back.
"I can get those for you, and don't worry about the money. Let's call it a Christmas present."
"Thank you, Mr. Ragnvindr."
Crepus wanders away to fetch some bags of beans, laughing.
"How many times have I told you to call me Crepus, boy?"
Ajax laughs along politely, awkwardly shifting his weight and fiddling with the zipper on his coat.
He hears the basement door open and shut as Crepus wanders down there, too.
"Um, whatcha watching?"
Kaeya scoots over a bit on the couch and pats the space he made.
"Charlie brown christmas."
Ajax reluctantly joins the siblings on the couch.
They're watching the Charlie Brown Christmas Special in german.
He sees Diluc all the time, because she still works at the Angel's Share, but he hadn't really said much to Kaeya since highschool. He became a civil servant, or something.
"How has your guys' Christmas been?"
"Fine. it's nice to get a day off."
Ajax hums like he understands, but he doesn't. He got a day off the day he was born, and has been working since. He doesn't mind, staying busy is better than staying still.
"How's Yours?"
"Pretty good. Busy."
A moment or two of silence passes before Diluc speaks up.
"I've been meaning to ask, who was that guy with you the last few times you've been at the restaurant?"
Ajax feels his ears heat up.
"Um, you know, a, um- a new friend of mine?"
"Are you asking me?"
"No. I- um, you know." Ajax opts to just shut his mouth.
Kaeya spoke up this time.
"Are you seeing a new bo-oy?" He looks at him full in the red face, a mischievous smirk spread across his cheeks.
"uhhhhhhhhh-" Ajax is sliding down the couch, trying to cover his face with his hands and coat.
"Come on, just a name!"
Ajax answers, still hiding in his coat.
"Oh? Where's he from?"
Crepus suddenly made his presence known.
Ajax's whole head feels hot now, and he shoots up from his place on the floor.
"He's from... um, Liyue Harbour..."
"I hope he's kind to you. Here are the beans."
As Ajax heads out, Crepus places a hand on his shoulder.
"Merry Christmas. I hope the best for you and Mr.Zhongli."
"Thank you, Mr. Ragnvindr, Merry Christmas."
He pats his shoulder once more and smiles at him before turning back into his home, leaving Ajax in the quiet cold.

We Wish You a Merry Christmas! (and a happy birthday, too)Where stories live. Discover now