act ii - december 15

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scene i
Zhongli wakes up with his head on the wrong side of the bed, and a familiar black rectangle burning a hole into his lap.
He remembers now the bright idea he had last night, to move from the desk to the bed, because of his aching back. Talk about aching back, now.
His clothes, not meant to be slept in, stick to him now, and left deep creases all along his skin.
A knock at the door. He slowly and painfully pushes himself up from his awkward position. He can feel his hair sticking to the side of his face.
Another knock at the door.
"Hellooo...? Zhongliiii?"
He had figured it was Ajax at the door. He stretches with finality and heaves himself off the mattress.
He runs his fingers through his hair as he opens the door, to find a cheery-looking Ajax behind it.
"Good morning!"
"Wow, I didn't expect you to be more of a morning person than me, Zhongli."
"Nor did I."
Ajax was trying really hard to keep his cool. Zhongli was barely awake, and still in the clothes he slept in. He looks him up and down, and flushes as red as his hair when he notices that Zhongli is without pants. He donned boxer briefs under a loose oxford shirt.
"Your, um... you know..." he snapped his head up and pointed down.
"Ah. It would seem that way." His voice was husky and hoarse, his hair was everywhere, he was... SO hot...
"I'll just be a minute." Zhongli shuts the door quietly, leaving Ajax to combust in privacy.
He drops a breath he didn't know he was holding, and fans his hot face. He can't help but take big, gulping breaths. He just met this man yesterday morning. He has now seen his (somewhat) bare legs and heard his morning voice, it's exhilarating.
After a few minutes, Ajax hears water running and the door open and shut, Zhongli emerging, looking like the most put together man on the planet, as though he had not just left bed ten minutes ago. He donned the coat from yesterday, over a thicker, shorter,  fleece-lined one, over a fresh oxford and fitted slacks.
Ajax suddenly felt very underdressed in his sweater and overalls.
Zhongli tucks a piece of hair behind Ajax's ear, and alleviates his stresses with a simple, "You look cute!"
"So, where to, first?"
"I was going to let you pick. There are several cafe/brunch bar type places, nearby, and I thought you might pick, since I don't really know what you like, yet."
Ajax pulls his cell phone from the bib pocket on his overalls, and pulls something up, and hands it to Zhongli.
"This place," Ajax peers over the phone and points to each eatery as he talks about them, " is a traditional teahouse, and they really don't have anything to eat, just tea, but you kinda look like a tea guy. This one is one of my favourite places, because of the really good english muffins they use on their breakfast sandwiches, and their coffee is really good...That one has a really pretty view of the sea, but it kinda smells like seafood because of the diner across the street, oh but only when it's really sunny. I could also make you something, though."
"Hmm... So many choices." Zhongli looked at each of them. He was, in fact, quite the tea guy, but he could appreciate the specs of all the other places, too.
"How about the one with the view?"
"Angel's share it is, then!"

scene ii
When they arrive, they're greeted by a young woman with hair even more red than Ajax's.
She smiles and greets zhongli, but seems less-than-pleased to see Ajax.
They sit on a patio behind the store, which faces the promised 'really pretty view'.
Zhongli orders a black coffee and a muffin, while Ajax orders some fancy long-winded coffee order, and a breakfast sandwich.
The girl from the front of the store brings their drinks out on a platter, and sets them down on the table, but makes sure to set Ajax's down a tad harder so the coffee dribbles down the side.
[a pause]
"Oatmilk, right?"
"Yes, thanks."
Zhongli must say he is just perplexed by the exchange.
Ajax takes a swig of his coffee and sighs, his breath coming out a white puff of smoke in the winter air.
"Isn't it refreshing to have a warm drink in the cold?"
Zhongli takes a sip of his own and sighs in solidarity.
"Yes, I think so..."
"So, tell me more about yourself. All I know is your name, and that you don't like seafood. Where are you from?"
"Right now, I live in Liyue Harbour, but I grew up further north. I've lived in Liyue Harbour for, I want to say... maybe five, or six years now."
"What's the city like? I've lived here in Morpesok my whole life."
"It's much more hectic than this, I would not recommend it. I wanted something fast-paced when I moved over there, but, I find, living somewhere fast-paced like it makes things happen much faster. I didn't know I was coming here, until the morning before my flight."
"You might feel right at home in the next few days, then. We always get flooded during Christmas."
"I was wondering if you guys were always so deserted. From what I know, you guys get the most traffic around here."
"I mean, that is true, but why do you know that?"
"oh, you know... superstitious." Zhongli raps his knuckles on the table.
Ajax brushes it off.
"Okay, next question- one deserted island, three objects. What are you bringing?"
"Oh, that's a tough one..."
They chit-chat like this for a while longer, before moving on the the next spot: an art museum.

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