act v - december 29th

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scene i
Zhongli finds himself strolling around with his thoughts.
He had purchased this croissant and latte with the intention to have breakfast, but he didn't want to eat.
The guilt was eating away at him, the hurt look on Ajax's face seared into his mind. He had hoped walking around would distract him, but it made him think of all the time they spent just strolling around the streets of Morpesok. He was far from that now, in Snezhnaya city.
But the cold air still bites his cheeks and the hot latte in his hand reminds him of another warm thing it used to hold...
Zhongli stops and leans against a wall. He sighs with a great heave of his chest, sending a great cloud into the air almost like a cigarette. He could really use one of those right now.
The sidewalk is pretty empty, probably on account of it being so early in the morning. He glances to his right, and sees a small child, standing still, but darting his head around, obviously lost and afraid. He's just a little guy, with a head of thick red hair, he makes Zhongli think of Teucer.
He walks over to the boy, hoping to find out where his big people were, and perhaps to take him to the nearest fire station.
"Young man?"
The boy turns, eyes huge and glassy.
"Mr. Zhongli?"
Teucer runs up to him and clings to his leg.
"My friend, what on earth are you doing here?"
"I don't know... I thought i was just getting on the bus, but the driver was different, and the inside was weird, and- and-"
"Hey, slow down, buddy. It'll be alright. Are you hungry?"
Zhongli kneels down to Teucer's level and pats his back.
"Everything is going to be alright. I'll get you home."
Teucer wraps his arms around Zhongli's neck, and Zhongli hoists him up. He hands Teucer the bag with the croissant and whips his phone out of his pocket, and holds down a button to dial Ajax.
"Hey, I really can't talk right n-"
"I have Teucer."
His voice comes in rough and husky.
"I found Teucer in Snezhnaya city. From what he told me I think he wandered onto a greyhound, or something. I'm gonna bring him down to you guys."
"Thank you."
"Of course. Do you want to talk to him? Here- I'm handing you to him now."
Zhongli puts his cellphone in Teucer's tiny hand and makes his way up the street, now on a mission.

scene ii
By the time Ajax finally had his phone returned to him after being passed between all his siblings and his mother, it feels like all the tension had been released like a popped balloon. Now, everyone was laughing, and had regained the ability to sit comfortably.
"How far is Snezhnaya city from here, anyway?"
"Probably a good 3 hour drive, especially considering the traffic from the snow."
Ajax flops onto a sofa, finally feeling off edge. His mother sits next to him and sighs deeply.
"I'm really relieved he's alright. I do wonder how he got so far, though..."
Ajax hums, agreeing. His mom nudges him in the ribs.
"Aren't you glad to see your guy again?"
He can hear his heart pumping in his ears.
It's not that he wasn't missing him. It's a difficult feeling to explain, when you miss being with someone, despite not wanting to see them. He chews on his lips thoughtfully.
He considers Diluc's words from earlier. How he's allowed to be upset, but he doesn't want to be upset. He really just wants things to work out, and for this to be behind them. He wishes he had never been curious enough to pick up that notepad, or just that he never met Zhongli in the first place.
"What's on your mind, ajax? Did something happen?"
"We... argued, and I'm mad at him but, I don't want to be mad at him."
His mother chuckles and puts a hand on his knee.
"Sometimes, I forget how young you are, Ajax. If you don't want to be mad at him, then don't be! Things don't have to be so cut and dry, and couples are supposed to argue."
"Mom, we're not-"
She pushes herself up from her seat, sighing.
"Don't lie to your mother."

scene iii
Zhongli leans into the car to unbuckle Teucer from his (brand-spanking new!) carseat, holding his coat under his arm. He pulls him from the car, before setting him down and shoving him into his coat as quickly as he could.
"Are you still cold? I can carry you, if you need me to."
"Mr. Zhongli, it's like 10 feet to the door."
"Oh, but there's snow, and you aren't wearing boots. I should carry you."
Zhongli swiftly pulls Teucer up into his arms.
"I hate to break it to you, but you are also not wearing boots."
"I've had more time to learn how to walk in snow than you."

scene iv
Ajax is the one to greet a very frazzled looking Zhongli, who looks almost more relieved to see Ajax than Ajax is to see Teucer.
He sets Teucer down, and he scurries off to where he sees his mother.
"Hello. Um, I'm really sorry."
"I know..."
The air is so awkward and they both hate it.
"You left this..." Ajax holds out the incriminating notepad.
"Oh, thank you."
Both of them have something to say to the other, but none of the courage to say it. So they just both avoid each other's gaze.
"Um, can I ask, though... what company you do work for?"
"Wangshu hotels company."
Ajax hums, running out of small talk.
"I, uh, I bought a carseat to bring him home, if you want it. It's anchored into my rental though."
Ajax finds himself fighting to not find Zhongli's hand like they had been doing for weeks.
They finally wrestle the carseat out of the car, and Ajax sets the seat down after climbing out of the car.
"Thank you for bringing him home. I hope you didn't miss your flight or anything."
Zhongli glances at his watch.
"Haven't yet. I'm just glad I found him."
"Yeah... listen, I'm still mad at you, but... can I... can we...?"
Zhongli kisses Ajax's cheek.
"It was great to meet you. I had better not stay any longer, or I will miss that flight. Have a good new year, Ajax."
Then, he ducked into the car, and he was gone.

scene v
Ajax drifts lifelessly back into the warmth of the inn, dragging the clunky seat behind him.
His cheek is still warm, and the fluttering in his stomach refuses to subside.
His sister, Tonia approaches him.
"What the heck is that?"
Ajax glances at the seat, making the fluttering in his stomach worse.
"It's a carseat. Zhongli bought it so he could bring Teucer back down here."
"Well, that was thoughtful of him."
"Uh, yeah."
Ajax doesn't want to think about it anymore, or he might just start coughing up those excited butterflies.
On the surface, he just feels mad at Zhongli, wants nothing to do with him. But right under that, he's blushing crazily at the thought of him wasting his time not only purchasing a car seat for Teucer, but figuring which one was right, and spending the time to actually anchor it into a car that wasn't his. He can vividly remember catching a glance at Zhongli putting Teucer's coat on for him, how he carried him over the icy pavement.
Deep down he had a soft spot for kids.
And a softer spot for people who weren't ashamed to care about helping kids out.
Ajax feels that familiar blush crawl- no, leap up his face. He touches the place Zhongli had kissed his cheek, and he has to mentally cement his feet to the ground to stop himself from hightailing it out of there and in the direction of Snezhnaya City, and maybe even Liyue Harbour.
"Earth to Ajax?"
"I'm mad at him, right Tonia?"
"How am I supposed to know? Who are we talking about?"
"Zhongli, obviously!"
"Well, what do I care?"
"If you tell me I'm mad at him I won't think about him anymore! I'm tired of him being stuck in my head!"
He drags his hands down his face.
"Well, then you're probably not really mad at him, then. Right? I think that makes sense."
Tonia continues muttering to herself while Ajax has a crisis.
"If you can't get him out of your head, just go be with him! Chase after him, like a goofy romance movie."
"I will do no such thing."

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