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AN: I'm working on an animation for this, so if you're a person who made a character for this, you don't have to, but it would be nice if you could make some art for it! If you can't or don't want to, it's fine, I can make it for you. But it would be helpful if you could. Ty in advance :)

Have fun reading!


     I wake up to a screeching noise. And darkness. Complete and absolute inky, black darkness.

     "What the fuck...?" I mumble, bringing a hand up to my face and rubbing one of my eyes. I reach back into my head for a memory of where the actual hell I am, but resurface empty handed. Instead, I decide to search for the source of the screeching noise.

My eyes darting around an empty area where only darkness was seen, I had to resort to touch to at least get a slight idea of where I was. I let my hands fly around me, ramming into the sides of wherever I was. I must have been making a lot of noise though, because the screeching stopped and I caught sight of a figure, a bit darker than all of the other darkness around me, turn around and look at me. Their eyes were a glowing a light shade of brown and they pierced me with their vision, looking me over. I walked towards them, wanting at least a person to hopefully explain why I was basically half-blind.

The person seemed to be... Very tall. But that, apart from their eyes, was all I could see of them.

     "Oi, sup," They said. Their voice was in a female's, but I couldn't be so sure just yet.

     "Hiya," I said, not bothering to smile, for our lost ability to see would just make it so the smile would have been lost in the dark regardless. "Hey do you know where we are?" I asked, wondering if they knew.

"Ah, yeah, no I was hoping that you would have known..." They sighed, drooping their head.


In that awkward moment of us both just standing there, my vision was absolutely destroyed.

"Ah!" I shrieked, jumping into the air. My newfound comrade seemed to have the same reaction. The brightness make the back of my eyes itch and the front of my eyes hurt, and I quickly snapped them shut, bringing a hand up to cover my eyes instinctively.

     Slowly but steadily, I opened one eye, then the other. The person in front of me had already both of their eyes open.

     I took a few second to look around. We were in bright pink room with a carousel in the middle. It was currently moving. The horses slid up and down their assigned poles, but something was completely wrong with them.

     Their eyes would stare at you, no matter where you went.

     I thought this was a fascinating but absolutely terrifying factor of them. I spotted an opening near the back of the room, away from the carousel. It had a clown face with a wide open mouth and sharp, jagged teeth sticking out of it. I glanced back at the person I had found before carefully making my way over to the opening.

     I placed a finger on one of the teeth and quickly yanked my finger back. A sizzling pain quickly made its way throughout my finger, and i slowly uncovered my finger. I saw blood beginning to spill from the wound. This door frame was most definitely dangerous, and not at all ideal... I looked over to another corner of the room and I saw a monitor. It was currently empty though.

     "Hey, I forgot to ask because of the bizarreness of this whole situation we're in, but what's your name?" The person asked, and I quickly left my thoughts.

     "Ah, yeah. I'm Kaori Itsuki, but you can call me Kaori," I stated, looking back over at them.

     "Yeah, hi Kaori! I'm Hazel Umasaki, but you can call me Hazel!" They smiled at me. Or she, if I'm correct.

Danganronpa V4: Bloody FunWhere stories live. Discover now