Chapter One (Deadly Life)

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just killed off yuki's moral support, never felt more powerful💪

check out kaori's yt, yall will love her first post😍 (her link: )


i'm planning to release this on new year's (timezone: pst), so if my plans go well, happy new year to all!


A scream escapes my mouth as my body freezes, my eyes widening. Seconds later, three others burst through the door. I don't have time to register who they are, because as soon as they do...

"A body has been discovered! A class trial will take place in about two hours, be sure to look around thoroughly! Puhuhu, happy investigating!"

My entire body is trembling, my hands clutching my jeans. My head is racing. Who would do this? Why?!

I don't have to ponder on that though, because Yuki rushed forward, screaming.

"Luke! Luke! LUKE!!" She yells, her voice the epitome of distress. More people rush outside of the funhouse, their eyes wide. Yuki ran to Luke, and reached out to shake him, when somebody grabbed her arm to stop her.

     "You need to calm down, Yuki. We don't want to destroy any evidence left behind." Yuri frowned, yanking Yuki away from Luke and holding her back. Yuki thrashed and yelled, tears streaming down her face.

     "No! Let me go! I need to see if he's still alive!"

     Yuri threw Yuki behind her. Yuki stumbled, Harmony catching her on a whim. (their names are so similar i keep mixing them up💀)

"You need to calm down." Yuri hissed, stepping in front of Yuki. "He's dead. The Monokuma announcement said so."

     Yuki squeezed her eyes shut, more tears escaping. "I wish it just wasn't true..."

Harmony set her back on her feet, as Yuki was no longer struggling. She took her by the hand and gently tugged her out of the back.

Yuri frowned, crossing her arms. "That was a waste of time. We need to get to wor-"

Then, our dearest, most awful, ugliest bear popped up in front of us.

"So? Are you all happy?" He giggled.

"You did this!" Mia barked, her fists clenching.

"Puhuhu... Nope! I didn't! How fun is that! It was somebody in this very room!"

We all shifted, the air heavy.

"Well, whatever, that's not what I came here for. I came here to give you all your very own Monokuma file!" He went around at light speed, handing us each what looked like a carbon copy of our Monopads. "These babies will give you everything you need to know, minus important things!"

A few groans were passed around.

"Well then, happy investigating! I've got to go hand these to your little Yuki and Harmony!"

He disappeared in seconds.

I looked down at the tablet he had handed me. I clicked the home button, the screen jumping to life.

Monokuma File 1

Victim: Luke Sasaki

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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