Chapter One (Daily Life PT. 3)

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I woke up to possibly the most annoying wake up call I've ever heard, and trust me, I've heard a lot of those due to falling asleep at random moments in time.

"Gooood morning ultimates! It is now 8 a.m., time to rise and shine and greet another beeeeautiful day! Puhuhu, let's hope nobody died!"

I yawned, probably sleeping about an hour to a half hour last night. Glaring at the monitor, I got out of bed. I took the brush from the desk and began to yank it through my hair, struggling to get all the knots out.

A few minutes later I succeeded. I caught sight of a closet to the left of the desk and opened it.

     Wow. What a wonderful selection to choose from.

     The exact same thing that I'm wearing right now was everywhere in the closet. There were like ten different pairs. Bitch?

I did my daily morning routine, then I left the room.

I made my way to the dining room, unsure of what today would bring. Guess it's time for hellfire to rain upon us.

     I entered the room after bracing myself for whatever chaos the ultimates have in store for me.

     Surprisingly, everybody was getting along fairly well once I entered the room. Phew.

     I saw Hazel in the corner of my eye, and I walked over to her.

     She grinned. "Goooood morning!"

     I sighed. "Hey, Hazel. Hi, Kira."

     Kira's ears twitched at the mention of his name. "Oh, hey."

     I sat at the table, stretching a bit. "I should go get something to eat."

     Hazel shook her head. "You can do that in a second. As soon as Luke finds his way here, we're doing a check in."

     I raised a brow. "I didn't think they were serious about that."

"Yeah, us either. But I don't think it matters."

I sigh. "I'm hungry. If they ask, I'm getting food. I'll be right out to prove it."

Never thought I'd have to prove I'm getting food.

     Kira raises a brow. "Okay, but if we get blamed for your death, it's all your fault."

     I shrug. "Got it."

     Walking into the kitchen, I notice a ton of premade food already on the counters. I run through my head, searching for who could have made it. I land on Rudy, and internally smile. Ultimate Chef.


     A few hours later of eating and talking, we're all done. The check-in went well. Well, if you call minimal chaos "well."

     Basically, this is how it happened:

     Luke walked into the dining hall, Yuki trailing behind. Luke was holding a clipboard, and a pen.

     Suddenly, he started calling out names.

     "Caden Sato!"

     "...Here." Caden grins.

     This goes on for what seems like hours, until he reaches my name. "Kaori Itsuki!"

     "Here...!" I shout back.

     Ray snickers. "So glad to see you weren't stabbed during your nighttime wanderings."

     "...I didn't wander last night, though?"

     "Such a shame. It would have been fun to burn up your body."

     I refuse to engage in such conversation.

     That was basically it, other than some banter.

     I walk into the hallway, stopping when I realize there's nothing to do.

     I look around, noticing everybody talking to one another. Huh. Maybe I should engage in...

     I shiver.

     "Conversation..." -an introvert

     I look around wondering who I should talk to.

Welcome to your first free time event!

The format will be a teensy little different, considering this is a book, but it doesn't matter. We'll make it work!

Here's how this is gonna go: I'm gonna give a list of all our favorite dear Ultimates, and you're gonna comment on the one you want with the words "1st," "2nd," "3rd," or "4th."

Considering there are two free time events in a day, and there are two days filled with just free time events, we need to choose which ones!

But wait: There's more!

If you spent two free time events with one person, you get a special level-up! You get more influence gauge space, and health space! You may not know what those are now, but trust me, you'll need them for the class trial.

Spending two free time events with somebody unlocks a special scene of bonding with that character.

Spending four free time events with somebody will give you a special skill, relating to their ultimate talent.

And by spending six free time events with one person, you'll get a very special item! (Heheheheehheheheheehh👹)

But, you can always skip the free time events and go to bed in your dorm. While I wouldn't recommend it, it's your choice!

So what are you waiting for? Get choosing!

—>Caden Sato, Ultimate ???

—>Cho Eichi, Ultimate Seamstress

—>Dorian Crenshaw, Ultimate Creator

—>Hara Kunihiro, Ultimate Artist

—>Harmony Hinsey, Ultimate Swordswoman

—>Hazel Umasaki, Ultimate Off Road Racer

—>Kira Ito, Ultimate Dancer

—>Luke Sasaki, Ultimate Flexibilitist

—>Mia Tanaka, Ultimate Rollerblader

—>Nikki Akonatogi, Ultimate Ballroom Partner

—>Ray Minatozaki, Ultimate Schooler

—>Rudy Terakatsu, Ultimate Chef

—>Yakeru Shima, Ultimate Soccer Player

—>Yuki Otonashi, Ultimate Lucky Student

—>Yuri Kimura, Ultimate Martial Artist


—>Skip Free time

The choice is yours! Choose wisely!

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