Chapter One (Daily Life)

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I continued to search through my head, looking for anything that would explain what was happening, but I came up empty handed.

     But soon, a childish and psychotic voice burst into the room, breaking every inch of silence that had been built.

     "As much as I love to see the despair on your faces, we have work to do! Meet your headmaster, Monokuma!" It said, the voice boisterous and out of place. It was high and childish, but also eerie in a way. It held a certain weight that made me feel uncomfortable, and it sent shivers down my spine.

     I felt a small shiver underneath me, which soon transformed into a large shake. I turned my head to a large podium that was centered at a stage at the very front of the entrance hall.

     Then, two seconds later, a black and white bear with an eerie sort or aura to it popped out of the ground and landed on top of the podium?!

Most of the people in the entrance hall shrieked or jumped back, but I was more curious than anything.

     "Uh... Why Monokuma?" Was some kid's question. He was Indian with black hair. He had a flexible body with a slim figure and looked to be able to move around quickly.

     "Puhuhuhu... Because that's my name!" The self-appointed 'headmaster' replied, a childish smile, malice and pure evil intent hidden behind it.

     The rude boy from earlier with the two-toned hair said, "Where the fuck are we?!"

The only thing that Monokuma replied with was "Your new home!"

That left a bitter taste in my mouth. "What...?" I muttered, confused.

"You fourteen students will be living here for the rest of your lives, or, until you follow the rules of my game!" The creepy child's toy responded, as if that was supposed to answer my millions of questions.

    "Wait... Rest of our lives?!" Somebody shouted, and I felt my skin prickle against the chill rippling throughout my body.

     "Puhuhu... Please do account with the thing I said afterward..."

     I thought for a moment, taking a few seconds to let what I had just heard register.

     "The rules of your game?" I unconsciously said out loud.

     "Puhuhu... Correct!" The bastard said, and I felt the same chilling sensation from earlier re-enter my skin. This time, small parts of my body shivered, and my eyes longes to fall closed and dream this nightmare away.

     Sadly though, that was not possible.

"C... Could you explain please?" Hazel asked, her eyes displaying small fragments of fear.

"Gladly!" He said. "You all will be participating in..." Duck started stomping their feet on the floor, resembling a drumroll type of noise.

     I waited in anticipation for Duckuma to finally quit the drumroll and for Monokuma to explain what we would be involuntarily participating in.

     "A killing game!" He finally said, and the room went silent. You could almost feel the surprise, confusion, and most of all fear laced in everybody's aura. You could hear the hearts beat, gradually getting faster and faster. My ears produced a ringing sound, trying to block out the words to come. Trying to block out the world. It was no use though, for you can't take back a hit that had already bruised.

     I heard muffles screaming, and a loud thud. I quickly turned, and saw a girl panicking. I looked down and saw that somebody else had fainted. I wished I could fall down with them, sleeping through this mess.

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