Chapter Four: "Please Remain Calm"

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Please remain calm, someone will be with you shortly.

The same message had been popping up on each player's monitor inside their headgear. No-one had come to help yet though, it was as if the game developers were giving the players false hope. Maybe they were trying to weed out the weakest cattle from the herd, so they could figure out who would survive and who would die. No-one wanted to die though, of course that was a given. Within the first ten minutes of the announcement being made about the "new challenge", five people were already killed off. Either they ran blindly into another person or they were too weak to fight back against the stronger players. Players' lives depleted from eight to zero in a matter of minutes. The server was sent into a frenzy; people frantically running around trying to find others to form a team with, others too scared to care about any thing. Everyone wanted the same thing though; to survive in Andraca and make it home alive. Some weren't that bothered however; they just found this to be one big stupid game. Even if they were trapped in this so called "stupid game".

"Dude. Just stop already, we've been wandering around in circles for like, ever. My legs hurt and this book is goddamn heavy." Ian complained to his friend who was blanking him completely. Anthony was trying to get his bearings in this cave and Ian whining about his legs wasn't helping him one bit.

"At least you're not a Light Knight. This heavy ass armour and battleaxe is weighing me down, more than you are right now." Anthony muttered the last part to himself quietly as he pulled his axe up from his belt. He swapped from the sword he had previously because he found the axe to be cooler and plus, to Anthony's amusement, it dealt a lot more damage in one blow than the sword could in three.

"Yeah well at least you have to carry around this spell book with you. That's the only downside to the Night Mage, but my book and cloak are cool as shit. I have my sword as well but let's be honest, I really prefer my book because I get to set fire to things."

"Your sword can do that too but only if you enchant it. But let's be honest; you're too lazy to do that anyway." Anthony received an agreeing nod from Ian and then shrugged his shoulders.

"Are we nearly out of this cave? I don't know who else could be in here with us and I don't know about you but I would like to save my remaining lives. Which is still eight by the way, nothing more and nothing less and I want it to stay like that." Ian said as he took out his book and flicked through the pages to find a spell to get them out of the cave quicker because he knew Anthony was just taking them around in circles at this point.

Ian lifted his free hand and was about to cast a Light spell when a shining ball of light shot past them and burst into a million pieces, the particles cascading down to the ground like the sparks from a firework.

"Gah! I can't... I can't see anything!" Anthony and Ian shouted in unison as they clutched their eyes in an attempt to not damage their eyes any further. They heard footsteps slowly approaching them and they feared the worst. This was it; they were going to lose one of their all too precious lives and they couldn't see or do jackshit about it.

A sharpened blade pressed against Ian's throat and a gruff voice spoke in a menacing manner. "Are you friend or foe?" The person asked and when Ian couldn't find it within himself to say anything, the person pressed the blade harder against his throat. Ian squeaked like a rubber duck and soon, the lump in his throat disappeared and he eventually manage to tell the person that he and Anthony were of no harm to the person and they only wanted out of the cave.

"Well," the person removed the blade from Ian's throat and stepped backwards, "we want the same. We're stuck in here and we can't seem to find the exit. Also I'm sorry for blinding you with that Light Ball, I had to make sure that you were of no harm to us."

Us? From what Anthony and Ian could tell, there was only one man there. They both removed their hands from their eyes and blinked until the blurry figures in front of them came into vision properly.

"I'm Mando and this is Nate and Ross." Mando gestured to the men when he said their names and they both have a small wave. Mando was a tall man who wore grey and yellow armour with a longsword as his weapon. Above his head it said his username "MandoPony" and his class which was the Light Knight, same as Anthony.

Nate was smaller than Mando and bore a black and purple magician's outfit which meant he was a Dark Magician, this outfit wasn't to be mistaken with the Night Mage's though as they may sound similar but both classes will argue that they're different. Dark Magicians can conjure spells using their hands and therefore have no need for weapons. His username was "NateWantsToBattle" which both Anthony and Ian guessed had to do with Pokemon.

Ross wore blue armour and his weapon was a black and red boomerang which was attached to the back of his armour. His username was displayed above his head as "RubberNinja" and just like his friends, he had all eight life bars full. His class was the Blue Knight because unfortunately, the Ninja class wasn't available in this game as of yet.

Anthony and Ian introduced themselves and Mando asked them both to join them because there was no way that they could get out of this cave by themselves and Anthony and Ian agreed. The two groups ventured through the cave, fighting whatever Darklings or ShadowMeisters came after them until they eventually saw light. Everyone ran towards it until the light got darker and darker and everyone stopped dead in their tracks as they realised that a huge red-eyed monster was towering above them, blocking their only means of escape.

"Well," Mando spoke as he pulled out his longsword, "I guess we have to fight this big guy. Who's with me?"

Everyone who had weapons pulled them out and pointed them at the monster, readying their attacks.

"Three, two, one... Go!"

{im sorry if this isn't as good as it could be, the only reason I updated today is because I felt bad for rarely updating anything apart from The Dilemma. that's enough pity and self-wallowing from me lol sorry guys bye}

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