Chapter Six: "Error Code 411."

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"Arin, where are we? We've been wandering around this town square for like hours." Barry moaned as he dragged his sword-staff behind him. It was an unusual weapon but Barry adored it. On one end was a sharp sword capable of taking down does in one fell swoop while the other end was a staff. On top of the staff end was a bright glowing green orb, it bore resemblance to the gem peridot but it was most likely not.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? I was just following Dan!" Arin retorted much to the dismay of Dan. Dan planted his sword into the ground and turned around to Arin, "Don't try and blame this shit on me! But uh... I seriously don't know where we are."

Dan received a chorus of bored groans and he sighed as he lifted his sword up from the ground and placed it over his shoulder. It rested comfortably over his specially designed cape that was similar to the one that his counterpart, Danny Sexbang, wore for NinjaSexParty. His armour was also modelled from Sexbang and the star in the middle held the armour together around his torso.

"I think we did a full circle around the map so I suppose we're back at the Main Square," Suzy said as she pulled up her map on her headgear, "but there's no one here. I guess they're already all gone?" Suzy shrugged as she clicked the button at the side of her headgear which shrunk it down to a simple pair of glasses.

"Who knows? I guess we just have to--" Arin started but was silenced by Danny placing his hand over the others mouth. He lifted his sword and pointed over at a familiar face in an not so familiar group. There he was, Ross, the one who was adamant that he was playing alone and he wasn't going to help anyone; teaming up with a bunch of complete strangers.

"Should we go over?" Suzy questioned as she stepped forward. Danny shook his head and squinted his eyes at the group and noticed that they were carrying an injured player. He absentmindedly found his way over to the group, his eyes focused on the injured player. As Danny came closer he saw the person's username; Mandopony.

"Who are you? Name yourself or I'll be forced to hurt you!" A dark haired male announced as he stepped forward and drew his sword at Danny who was standing with his hands up in a desperate attempt to defend himself.

"I-I'm Danny! I don't mean you any harm, I just saw my friend with you people and I also saw that one of your teammates is injured. I don't want to fight you. Please put away your weapon." Danny said as he mustered every ounce of courage within him. It took everything he had not to run back to his other friends screaming because he was so close to death already.

"Danny!" Ross exclaimed as he finally noticed his friend's presence. He was too enticed with Mando and he found himself checking on him every so often to see if he had awoken yet but still nothing.

"Seriously? I nearly got attacked by your friend and that's you just noticing? Thanks. Asshole." Danny sighed but he didn't have the energy to fight so he left it be. Ross rolled his eyes, "So where's the others?" Ross asks as he looks up at his tall friend.

"They're back there," Danny said as he pointed over his shoulder with his thumb, "want me to get them? We've been worried about you man."

"Sure if you want," Ross replied as he shrugged his shoulders simply, "but hurry up. We shouldn't wait around here for too long because other players might come back soon."

Danny nodded his head and ran back to the other Grumps and soon enough, everyone was back together. They all exchanged pleasantries and proudly showed off their weapons to one another, explaining the stories of how they got them if they won them in a battle or in Danny's case, found it lying next to a vanquished player and took it as his reward. Even though he wasn't the one to take out the person's last life.

The conversations were cut short by silent whispering which was coming from all around them, it seemed. Everyone fell silent and quietly drew their weapons and those who didn't have weapons readied their spells.

"You shouldn't be here," the voices repeated as they gradually began to get louder until five shadowy figures jumped out from behind the large group and surprise-attacked them. Their attacks were fast but weak and it was easy to take them out but everyone took a lot of damage. They took a few seconds to recover from the ambush and just when they thought it was over, a message appeared in the sky.

Error code 411. Mobs (//4458). Toggled nightfall.

None of this made sense to anyone in the group and no one seemed to question the fact that the message appeared in the sky instead of on their headsets which was what normally occurred but seeing as this whole kingdom was part of a video game, nothing really mattered.

"We need to rest up for the night. We're pretty beaten up from that ambush and we need to protect Mando while he regenerates." Nate stated as he took a break from carrying his friend. He placed him down on the ground and shook his arms out to get the feeling back in them.

"Wait I know! There's a rest centre somewhere around here... maybe we should hide out in there until dawn?" Suzy suggested. Everyone nodded their heads and since Suzy had the large majority of the Andraca kingdom map memorised, she led the way to the rest centre. Soon enough the group arrived at a large building but most of the lights were out and while unsettling, the group figured that they had nowhere else to go apart from here so they had to make do with what they had.

Upon entering the building, it was clear that most of the resources that once inhabited the building were now gone and all that was left was the broken or unusable items. There were, however, couches in the lounge area that remained unscathed from the heist that destroyed the large majority of the place. The group decided that they would sleep on the couches but two people would keep watch at a time just in case who ever was here at first decided to come back for any reason.

It was unlikely but none of them could take any chances at this point. With an injured teammate with them, they had to be careful. They all had to be careful.

A few hours into the watch-out, Anthony started to feel the lack of sleep affect him and before he clocked out, a dark figure stared in the window and accidentally making eye contact with Ian but before he could wake up his sleep deprived friend, the person was gone and the only person who saw them was Ian.

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