Chapter Two: "Loading..."

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Arin and Danny had stayed up all night playing the new game they just bought, "Fresh Start Fever". It was fair to say that they were pretty much addicted to it at this point and there was no getting them away from the games console. Instead of communicating by using real words, they decided to chat in the game because they may as well put the gloves they bought along with the game to good use.

"What level are you?" Arin asked Danny who stood there for a few seconds before typing back, "It's next to my username, can't you read? I'm level twenty."

"Thanks for the sarcasm, even though that's supposed to be my thing but whatever. Do you think we should try buying some new gear instead of fighting in this one cave all day? I'm kinda bored." Arin said as he slipped his sword back into its holder.

"Yeah I guess. Most of my armour is worn away anyway so I might as well. Do you remember how to get out of here?" Danny asked as he turned to his best friend who had a clueless face.

"Shit." Was all Arin said and Danny took it as Arins way of saying, "Yeah we're lost and I can't remember how to get out of here, help." Danny sighed and decided that the only way they were going to get out of here is by asking someone for help. And that meant logging out of the server to get Barry, Ross or Suzy who were also playing the game and probably weren't getting lost in the easiest cave in the game.

"Ugh I'll be right back." Danny said as he opened up his menu bar to log out when an error message occured. Error with the server, please try again. Danny did as the message said and tried again only to get the same message over and over again.

"Maybe they're doing maintenance on the server or something?" Arin suggested and Danny took that as the most logical solution. The game was bound to have some issues, that was guaranteed but it shouldn't have stopped them from logging out of the server.

"We should go and try to find Suzy or Barry, maybe they can help us out." Arin said. Danny and Arin both tried to navigate their way out of the cave and after about an hour or so of mindless wandering, they finally found the light at the end of the tunnel. They ran as fast as they could towards it and high fived, they had lived through the easiest cave in the game-- which was a feat they were pretty bad at. As Arin and Danny both made their way back to the town square to buy some more armour and weapons, Arin saw Suzy and Barry with a bunch of other people who were huddled together in the centre of town.

"Has something bad happened?" Arin asked. Danny shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe they found out that the servers down for maintenance as well?" He suggested, "But I think we should go find out anyway. Come on."

"Arin! Danny!" Suzy called as she saw the two men approach her, "You heard the news as well I take it? If you haven't then there's a bug in the server and nobody can log out, it's terrible. They're saying we might be stuck in here all day if they can't fix it soon!"

"All day? We thought the server was just down for maintenance and we thought we'd only be here for a few minutes more but all day? Ugh." Danny sighed. Despite spending more than ten hours playing the game, Danny nor Arin felt at all tired or even hungry which was strange for the both of them because they were always tired and hungry. At least it wouldn't be an issue in the game though.

Ding-ding! You have a new message!

Suzy pulled up her messages bar and read out the message to nobody in particular, "Hello. Players of "Fresh Start Fever" may have noticed a small bug in the programming which stopped many people from logging out of the server. It seems that this bug has in fact taken over most of the programming for reasons unknown. All players are advised to remain in game until further notice as improper use of the headgear may result in a coma or even death. We have provided each players with fifteen lives to spice up the gameplay a notch but there may also be a little bug in the death system in game..."

"What is supposed to happen when you die in game, you are meant to be sent back to your real body and you can try again but what this bug has done has changed it just a little. When you die in the game, you die for real."

"What the fuck." Arin, Danny and Barry said in unison. "You mean we're stuck here now? Great just... great!" Barry groaned as he kicked the ground with his foot angrily.

"Where's Ross? It's only fair to have everyone here right now." Suzy said as the three men stayed silent. "Guys, where's Ross?"

"I may or may not have lost in the Crystal Cave," Barry replied as he held his hands up, "but I only lost him because he was being an arrogant prick. And also telling me that I swung my sword like a child."

"Alright well I guess we'll look for him later but I think what we should be more focused on right now is watching our backs because you heard what that message said. If we die in the game then we die for real." Suzy explained as Danny snickered.

"Hey remember that time I made a joke about that, Arin? Haha yeah... now it's real." Danny said in a surprisingly calm tone despite being told that if they die here then they really die.

"Do you guys think that people are gonna start killing each other?" Barry asked out of the blue. "It's a possibility but don't say that out loud, you might give someone an idea." Suzy replied.

"So that's it then. We're stuck here and we're fucked if we die." Arin said, summing up the last ten minutes of conversation. "So I guess we better not die then."

"Fresh Start Fever" {YouTube AU} -#Wattys2015-Where stories live. Discover now