Successful, but unsuccessful...

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I remember the day it all happened.
I remember that day when HE knocked us out and took us in just to cut us apart and put us together like a fusion from Steven Universe. We only wanted to have fun at the new playground for the afternoon, but in just a split second we had to live together in one body... Right in a world that hated us.

Adrianna: *opens the door and yells* HELLOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Isabelle: *jolts and almost falls off her couch* WAAAHHH!! ADRIANNAAA!!
Adrianna: Oh shit- I didn't mean to!! *rushes to her and tries to pull her up* I didn't mean to!
Isabelle: Geez, Adrianna! You should have came in quietly! *pulls herself up and stands up from the floor*
Adrianna: Sorry! But I'm hella excited! *bounces up and down in joy* We gonna play at the new playground todaaaay!!
Isabelle: Ohhh! Yes yes yes! *stands up from the couch* It's gonna be a lot of fun when we go there!
Adrianna: I knoooww! They have a lot of cool stuff in there! We should go now to experience it all before others crowd up the place!! *heads to the door and opens it* Come on, come on!
Isabelle: I'm gonna follow you! You better know where we're heading! *follows her out of the house and into the sidewalk with her*

There was a new playground built near the park, and Isabelle wanted to try it. So we planned this day where we could have fun in it together without any adults in there. Of course, there would be parents. But I don't care, I just wanna have fun with Isabelle in there.

Adrianna: *walks down the sidewalk with Isabelle* The skies are already looking like a sunset is coming... I forgot what season we're in.
Isabelle: Spring?
Adrianna: I think. I'm not really sure. *looks around and then looks back at where they're walking* I think we're close! We're just a few minutes away!
Isabelle: My legs are getting tired already... It better be close.
Adrianna: If your legs are tired, then how are you gonna climb around, Issy?
Isabelle: No no, my legs aren't used to walking! They'd be ready to do fun kiddy stuff like the playground!
Adrianna: Ehhh, understandable! *sees something in a nearby bush* Hm? *stops walking for a moment* 
Isabelle: What is it?
Adrianna: There's something in the bush... *approaches the bush while passing through the road*
Isabelle: Um, Adrianna... We shouldn't be looking at random stuff in public...
Adrianna: What do you mean? It's not like we'll get knocked out with a bat or something! Besides, I can kick some ass if somebody does! *digs through the bush and sees a mirror* Eh? A mirror? 
Isabelle: What's a mirror doing here stuck in the leaves? *grabs the mirror and pulls it out looking at her reflection* Old and worn out...
Adrianna: There's more in here, but these leaves get thorny from here. *pops her head out and sees the mirror* Anything strange in there?
Isabelle: Nope, just my own face in a mirror.
Old Man: *walks down the sidewalk and sees the two girls kneeling down at the sidewalk looking at the bush* Hm? *stares at them for a moment and then slightly smiles* Hmmmm... *slowly approaches them*

Funny how finding a mirror would lead to the worst thing ever. It's not like the mirror was a portal to another dimension and we would get sucked into it. The outcome was more deadly than we thought.

Adrianna: Hmm... Let me see it.
Isabelle: *hands her the mirror*
Adrianna: *looks at her reflection for a moment*
Isabelle: Is there anything magical in there?
Adrianna: Wha- No! Why would you think there is something magical in this mirror? This world isn't fantasy!
Isabelle: Don't you know that Carrie does magic and stuff? 
Adrianna: Oh- Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. *looks at the mirror again and sees a shadow behind her reflection* Ehhhh?
Isabelle: What?
Adrianna: Bro, I think this mirror is magic! There's a shadow behind me! Look!
Isabelle: *looks at the mirror and sees the shadow* What the- *looks behind her and sees that there's nobody behind her* Uhhh...
Adrianna: Okaaay, shadow's gone.
Isabelle: Adrianna, I'm starting to think that someone's stalking us... We should just put the mirror away and leave.
Adrianna: Nobody's stalking us, Issy!
Isabelle: But when I looked back, that shadow in the mirror disappeared! That means someone's around!
Adrianna: Ehhh... We'll just pretend this is magic and move on, okay?

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