Saving the distraught experiment.

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Adribelle: *walks down the mall area and sees everyone staring at her*
Child: Is that a zombie, Mommy?
Mother: Yes, it is. Don't look at her. *puts her hand on their shoulder* She could be aggressive once she sees you.
Adribelle: *stares at the mother and the child for a moment and keeps walking*

I'm so sick of these people. They don't know better.
I guess they just want to think we're monsters...
We probably are. But at least we're making the best out of life.

Adribelle: *sees a donut stand and speaks in Adrianna's tone* What the- Oh my gosh! Donuuutss!! *suddenly switches to Isabelle's tone* Adrianna! I'm allergic! *switches back to Adrianna's tone* Oh... Fucking hell. Sorry. *keeps walking down the aisle*
Donut Guy: Hey you!
Adribelle: *stops for a moment* Whaaaat?
Donut Guy: Don't you want a donut? *shows a donut in their hand*
Adribelle: I'm allergic to nuts.
Donut Guy: Oh- Okay then! Go on!
Adribelle. Mmh. *keeps walking down the area and sits down at a bench*

It's good that the Donut Guy didn't treat us like a freak...
That still doesn't make us not a threat to the others! Everyone still hates us, so why be hopeful?

Adribelle: *sighs tiredly and looks down*
???: *walks down the area and sees Adribelle at the bench* Guys. Look.
Man #1: What? *sees Adribelle at the bench* Oh... It's them...
Man #2: What do we do? You wanted to kill them, right?
???: Nah, I'll convince them instead. *approaches Adribelle at the bench* Excuse me?
Adribelle: What do you want- *eyes widen and notices his pants are similar* ...Wh-What do you want? *keeps their head down*

No no no, don't tell me that's him. Please don't tell me that's him.
It's just gray pants and gray shoes, Adrianna! Maybe it isn't him!
No, I feel like it's him! I know his voice! It is him! It's X!

???: Why are you out here alone in the mall?
Adribelle: *voice trembles as they speak* B-Because I am... I'm bored...
???: *slowly sits down beside them* Don't you realize that it's dangerous to be out in the mall like that?
Adribelle: *still looking away from him* I was basically forced to be like this, I don't know why you're caring about a stranger like me.
???: Hmmm... Well, I guess I kinda care for a reason, miss.
Random Kid #1: *sees the man sitting beside Adribelle and gasps* Oh my gosh, is that X?!
Random Kid #2: Wait, it is! *whispers to the other kid* He's sitting beside another one of those zombie freaks, bro!
Random Kid #1: Oh my goooosh! *whispers to the other random kid* He's doing his little method of convincing them!! *grins happily at them*

Issy. I'm having an anxiety attack.
Just stay calm... Don't act afraid or he's gonna make it harder...
Aren't you having one too?!?!
I am, but we need to stay calm...! We can't break or else he wins!

Adribelle: *hands start trembling* Wh-What are you here for, mister?
X: Oh, I'm not here for anything bad! You're just... Familiar to me. Somehow familiar.
Adribelle: *clutches her knees tightly while noticing a crowd forming around them* How am I familiar? I don't know you. You're literally just a stranger.
X: Of course I do know you. *whispers in their ear* I know it's you, Adribelle. I'm not blind.
Adribelle: *stands up instantly and slaps him in the face screaming in Adrianna's tone* STOP SCARING ME, YOU FREAK!!! *runs away from X and wipes her eyes*
Everyone: Ooooooooohhhh!!
X: Nnh... *stands up from the bench* Somebody get her for me, please. 
Man #2: I GOT HER! *follows them down the mall area*
Adribelle: *finds a staircase to the parking lot and runs downstairs*


Adribelle: *suddenly yells in Adrianna's tone* I-I KNOW, BUT HE WAS FUCKING CREEPY!! I HATE IT WHEN HE FUCKING WHISPERED IN MY EAR LIKE I WAS A BLIND TOY OR SOMETHING!! *suddenly switches to Isabelle's tone* Shhhh!! *hides behind a pillar* Don't make a sound...!
Man #2: *runs down the stairs* Where the heck is she?! *looks around the area*
Man #1: *comes down from the stairs as well and looks around the area* I think she escaped out of the parking lot, man...
Man #2: We'll just keep finding that cat-fish dude. She's not worth our time. *turns around and walks upstairs*
Man #1: Yeah, you're right. *walks upstairs following the other man*
Adribelle: *sighs quietly* Phew... I'm beat, man... *leaves the pillar and approaches their camping area at the corner of the parking lot* I need a rest...

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