chapter 29 - gone

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My apartment was empty when I arrived, picked clean by whoever Xavier or my father hired to move all of my belongings to the Bernard's mansion. Lukas left already. He ordered a taxi with the tow truck driver's phone, dropping me off before driving to his house. A neatly placed card lay solitary on my kitchen bench, the morning sun casting a shadow over the thick parchment.

I tiredly pick it up, examining the pressed wax seal clamping the sheet shut. Clearly Celtic-inspired, the imprint depicts a bear, with knotwork framing the intricate face in a perfect circle.

This family is so unnecessarily pretentious.

I tear open the paper, a smaller card fluttering onto the ground as I do, and examine the beautiful, loopy calligraphy.

Dear recipient,

We are honoured to invite you to the annual 'Bernard Gala', this year, celebrating the long-awaited return of our daughter, Lara. Please ensure all weapons remain at the front door, which will be returned when exiting at the end of the evening.

6PM, Saturday, 15th December, Bernard Residence.

I place it gently back on the table, shocked. The gala, or whatever it really is, is tonight. I reach down to the carpet and pick up the smaller card. Rather than the fancy writing on the invitation, the business card had neat, small handwriting.

Hey Lara,

All of your belongings are at home. We couldn't find you last night, so I hope you got home safely. Call me when you read this.

Much love, Xavier.

P.S. Mum already bought a dress for you tonight. It'll be waiting in your room.

I take out my still-dead phone and amble lazily towards my bedroom. Opening the closet, I sigh as I notice all my clothes are gone, and realising that I still can't change out of my school uniform. Lukas didn't ask for his jumper back, either too tired to realise or genuinely not caring.

I press the secret button two-thirds up the back wall, usually hidden by my thick, fleece coat. A small square of wall pops out, revealing my hidden stash of knives and my spare gun. Fortunately, the movers hadn't noticed the button or else there would've been a bit of a surprise.

I close it back up and head towards the untouched bathroom. Grabbing the charger that I abandoned on the counter and race to the living room. Sinking into the sofa, I idly wait for it to turn on.


I neglected to call Xavier once my phone charged, rather deciding to have Larry bring me to the house.

When I got there, hundreds of workers passed through the hall and towards the back half, I assume, setting up for the beloved Annual Bernard Gala. The double-height front door is being held open by two bear-shaped door stoppers. So, I enter with my small backpack of concealable and probably forbidden weapons without a hassle.

"Oh, the princess had decided to grace us with her presence," Dean sneers. "I'm devastated to see that you're still alive."

I don't even glance in his direction as I steadily saunter past him and towards a random maid.

"Hi!" I exclaim extra brightly. "Do you know where I can find Xavier?"

The blond girl wearily looks towards my brother.

"I forbid you from telling her," he shouts. "She's a stranger."


It was an obvious lie as she had just seen him berate me as I walked through the door. I ignore him and remain smiling at her.

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