U.S.J and reunion

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Narrator pov

We come back to the inside of the USJ as we see both class 1A as well as some other students on the ground some beating bad others not able to move as the villains have a specific group of girls prisoner as they are getting bored of waiting as they turned around and asked there boss

"Hey boss could we have some fun with these girls" villain #1 asked

"Yes, you may seeing mister number one hero isn't even here yet" ???? Said as villain #1 laughing as he pushed  down ruby as she was crying as she was thinking of one person

"RYUKI HELP ME" as she was crying but before they could remove anything of her costume the door blew open as dust filled the entrance of the USJ as a figure could be seen wearing a hood as he was carrying something on his back as he looked out at the USJ as he spoke

"I would get away from them if I were you" as he looked around at the damage caused and it was safe to say he was Furious as his anger was rising fast as red energy waves could be seen coming off him like smoke as he heard the villain speak

"Oh yea what are you going to do about it in case you haven't realized your outnumbered 100 to 1" the villain said causing everyone to laugh at this point in time the heroes and huntsman alongside with mister number 1 had arrived as they were about to engage when Ryuki put his hand up as they stopped as all might was about to detest but nezu silenced him as Ryuki started to chuckle before it turned into a full blown laughter as he then spoke

"I like those odds" he said as he started to walk down the stairs as his as he transformed

"I like those odds" he said as he started to walk down the stairs as his as he transformed

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As he fully removed his hood revealing himself as everyone recognized him as they were shocked to see him alive as he arrived at the bottom of the stairs as he transformed back as he spoke

"No your not worth me transforming" as he removed his sword from his back and spoke once again

"I'll give you one more chance step away from the girls or else" as the villain and grim Took a fighting stance as one of the villain punched ruby in the chest knocking her out cold as this was the final straw as his power began to rise higher and higher as he spoke but this time his voice was more distorted

"YoU HaVe JuSt mAdE a GrAvE MiStAkE" as a figure began to form behind him as both the villains and some of the heroes and huntsman new exactly who that was

"YoU HaVe JuSt mAdE a GrAvE MiStAkE" as a figure began to form behind him as both the villains and some of the heroes and huntsman new exactly who that was

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