battle tournament

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Narrator pov
As we see everyone back in the arena ready for the Following event after the amazing Cavalry Battle as midnight was explaining the next event Mashirao Ojiro and koda decide to withdraw from the finals as this intrigues Ryuki as he listened to what they had to say as They believe that they were used as pawns by Hitoshi during the second round and felt that they didn't really earn their place in finals as Ryuki was thinking to himself as he writes something down in his journal as raven is in her bird form sleeping in his hood as summer is sleeping on his lap as he looked at her and kisses her forehead causing her to smile as he continues to write something down as he wonders what Izuku's plan is going to be but knowing him he has no idea as he sends lazerbeak to listen in as he lands in the beams as Shortly after, Mashirao meets with Izuku and tells him about Hitoshi's Brainwashing Quirk. Mashirao explains that Hitoshi's Quirk activates after someone verbally responds to something he says, and it can only be broken if the victim takes a blow. Though in a one-on-one match, you can't count on an outside force to free you, and he does not know how strong the hit would have to be as lazerbeak flys back to Ryuki and lands on his shoulder relaying all the information to him as he knows now that Hitoshi is going to say something to get under his skin As the first match of the final event is about to begin Izuku and Hitoshi walk into the arena and arrive at the fighting stage to face each other. Present Mic explains that victory is only gained by knock out, ring out, or surrender as Hitoshi started off by insulting what he's done in the past as Ryuki smiled and knows that'll get under his skin as he was right as This angers Izuku and he angrily tells Hitoshi to shut the fuck up but he didn't get to finish his response as it was more than enough for Hitoshi to active his Quirk and gain control of his opponent's body, causing Izuku to stop in his tracks as Ryuki spoke

"He's such a idiot of course he didn't listen now he's paying the price" as he watches as Hitoshi tells Izuku that he is lucky to have been blessed with a heroic Quirk and then orders him to turn around and walk out of bounds. Izuku obeys and slowly starts to walk towards the edge of the ring Still conscious Izuku tries to resist but he is unable to stop himself his head feels like it is full of fog and his body is moving on its own as Ryuki is holding back a laugh as are the girls as he can hear class 1A trying to get him to stop but nothing would work as he stepped closer and closer to the boundaries as he gets to the Edge of the arena as he stepped out of bounce as he snapped out of his quirk as he heard midnight say he was out as he looked at his former brother as he was laughing hysterically as he was saddened by this as he walked back to his seat as Ryuki calmed himself down as he spoke

"Please tell me someone recorded that was so hilarious" as summer raised her hand as he pat her head as she nuzzled back into his neck and fell back asleep as the next match was about to begin which is conveniently Shoto and Hanta as they take the stage and Present Mic introduces them to the crowd. He announces the start of the second match of the finals and Hanta opens with a swift Tape attack. He wraps tape around Shoto and tries to fling him out of bounds. As Shoto is being thrown, he apologizes and then uses his feet to freeze the ground. The ice attack quickly finds its way to Hanta, creating a burst that shakes the entire arena.

Shoto excessively freezes Hanta inside a giant wave of ice that leaves half the entire festival arena frozen. Shoto breaks free from the frozen restraints while Hanta is immobilized. Half frozen herself, Midnight asks if Hanta can move. He admits he has been immobilized and Midnight declares Shoto the winner as Ryuki melts the ice with his black flames as he looked at Shoto with disapproval as he knows that was reckless of him to do because he could have injured people in the stands due to that attack luckily no one was injured as he helped cleaned up as the next few matches began as Ryuki wasn't really interested in any of them until it got to that shinso kid that absolutely humiliated midoriya was now it was izumi's turn as both her and shinso entered the arena as they were both introduced by present mic as midnight began the match as shinso start to talk about what Izumi had done to me to get her blood boiling and sure enough it worked as she yelled at him to shut up but before she could finish she was under his control as he told her to walk out of the arena like what happened with izuku as Ryuki couldn't help but laugh as she walked out and came back to her senses as midnight announced her out as she cried and walked back to her seat as the next matches began as Ryuki was taking notes for his girlfriends as the next match was Denki Kaminari vs. Ibara Shiozaki as they both walk out into the arena as The battle begins and Denki asks Ibara if they could go out to eat after the battle. He claims he wants to comfort her after her loss and that their match will be over in seconds. Denki charges his electricity and uses his Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts technique. Ibara simply turns her back to Denki and commands her hair to create a shield of vines to protect her from the shock. Denki enters his dumb state and Ibara counterattacks by sending vines at him. The vines wrap Denki up and hang him over the stage, immobilizing him. Midnight declares Ibara the winner as he looked to see who the next few matches were and convenient it was all of his girlfriends as they each went one by one beating there opponents from class 1-B thanks to his tips as he couldn't have been more proud of them as the second to last match began as it was Tenya Ida vs. Mei Hatsume as they both enter the arena as the match begins as Tenya runs at Mei and she turns on her mic and explains she gave Tenya special leg braces to improve his mobility. He is confused by Mei's action but keeps running towards her. Before he gets too close, Mei avoids him with hydraulic attachments from her backpack as she explain to spectators how it works. Mei uses her Quirk to look at the spectating support courses, and she is happy to see that they show interest in her gadgets. Tenya tries to take advantage of her distraction, but she has sensors on her backpack that automatically activate her hydraulic attachments. Tenya trips over the attachments, but the Auto Balancers on his back allow him to keep from falling and easily change his course back towards Mei.Present Mic and Eraser Head are displeased with Mei turning the match into a commercial for her gadgets. She avoids Tenya again and explains the balancers keep him from falling unless he actually wants to. Tenya charged her again, demanding her to fight fairly, but this time Mei uses her Electromagnetic Soles to evade him once more, while explaining how the gadgets works. Tenya tries to attack when she lands, but she uses a Capture Gun to trap Tenya inside a net. Mei turns her attention back to the support companies and introduces herself again After introducing a few more gadgets in the next ten minutes, Mei eventually walks out of the ring, having accomplished her goal. Midnight announces that Tenya is the winner since Mei walked out of bounds as Ryuki couldn't help but Brust out laughing as iida was basically just used as a free piece of advertisement as the last match is announced as it is Yuga Aoyama vs. Mina Ashido as they both enter the arena as the match begins as Yuga Aoyama fires his navel laser at Mina Ashido, but she secretes acid from her feet and uses it to swiftly slide across the stage. Yuga continues to shoot beams at her while Mina claims she already knows Yuga's weakness because they trained together during the Battle Trial Mina continues to dodge Yuga's flurry of beams After he misses a rather large shot, his stomach begins to hurt and Mina capitalizes. She throws acid onto his belt, breaking it and dropping his pants in the process. Mina takes the opening and finishes Yuga with a strong uppercut as Ryuki face palmed as he basically gave him the win as midnight announced that was the end of the first round and they will be breaking for a 30min lunch as Ryuki and the girls get up to meet up with the others as he kissed them and congratulated them on there wins as rias and the along with Alex confessed there feelings to him to which he accepted as he already knows his girls were fine with it as long as there number 1 as they got there food and sat down as he started to eat his meat and fish as Blake tried too steal some as she clung to his shirt as he chuckled as he gave her some of his fish as ate it up quite fast making everyone chuckle at her antics as everyone finished there food and made there way back to there seats to wait for the next matches to start as midnight came back on stage as she announced the next battle which was Fumikage Tokoyami vs. Momo Yaoyorozu as The match suddenly begins and catches Momo off-guard. Fumikage immediately calls on Dark Shadow to attack. Momo defends herself by creating a shield. She tries to create a polearm, but Dark Shadow circles back around and strikes her shield before she can focus on her Quirk. Dark Shadow swings by again and knocks the shield off Momo's arm.

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