the beginning of a gods story

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Narrator pov
We see inko at the doctor office with her three kids waiting to see the doctor why you may ask well they are going to see what quirks they have why would they be doing that well they live in a society that 90% of the population possesses a power call a quirk well the other 10% don't possess a power or what society has declared them as quirkless outcasts of society anyways I'm getting off track we see them talking amongst themselves when inko's oldest asked her a question.

Ryuki: mommy

Inko: yes Hunny

Ryuki: would you still love me if I was quirkless

Inko was cut off guard by this question but she decided to answer her son honestly

Inko: yes we would still love you even if you were quirkless

Ryuki: promise

Inko: promise

But as the saying goes all promises will be broken because after this doctor appointment this would be the last time that she would ever look at here son because this was the start of a monster with a taste for revenge.

As inko answered here son's questions a nurse came out

Nurse: mrs and Mis yagi

Inko: that is us

Nurse: that doctor will see you know

Inko: ok come on kids

The kids: ok mommy

Time skip to the doctor's room

As inko and here kids were sitting in the office wait for the doctor so they can figure out what here kids quirks are as they are waiting the kids are talking amongst themselves about what quirks they are going to have as if on cue the doctor walked in with a livid expression on his face.

Doc:ok miss yagi was it I've finished running all the required tests and I've got good news and bad news what would you like to hear first

Inko was scared she was hoping that one of her kids weren't quirkless but she decided to give him a answer.

Inko: t-the bad news please.

As the doctor pushed his glasses up as he sighed causing inko to be even more terrified as the doctor spoke and began to fuel the fire to give way to a god

Doctor: *sigh* this is the part of my job that I hate well ma'am your son ryuki is QUIRKLESS. but little did Inko know that the doctor lied

That one word that one word has just brought young Ryuki's dreams and world crushing down on him like a ton of bricks that one word was playing in the back of his mind as if it was on repeat the doctor notice this and a small smile appeared on his face why well he has just found the perfect candidate project ultima

Inko: oh well what is the good news

Inko spoke as Ryuki was shocked as he slowly started to realized that if your not born with a quirk then those around you will stop caring

Doctor: well izuku and Izumi here both have very strong quirks young izuku's quirks is a mix's of your telekinesis and fire based quirk so he has pyrokinesis as his quirk with the drawback being just a minor headache well young Izumi has a stronger version of your telekinesis she has the same drawback as her brother I suspect that they will be great Heroes

Inko: you hear that kids you can be heroes

Inko: come on kids let's go home and Tell your dad so we can start training

Izumi and izuku: ok mommy

Inko: thank you doctor for your time

Ryuki didn't say anything in fact he was quite with a cold emotionless face as those words were still playing in the back of his mind as if was on repeat as his mother left and went to the car with Izuku and Izumi leaving him in the office as he got of the chair but before he left he heard the doctor call him

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