She went & came back

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Normal PoV

It's been three years since Lucy joined the guild and got adopted by Gildarts. Everything was fine until the day Lucy got a letter.

"Mail for Lucy He---" He was cut off.

"Yes that's me!" She quickly shouted over him.

She walk up to the mailman said thank you and he left. She walked to the a table that had no one on it and read the letter .

What the letter said

Dear Lucy,

If you have this it means you went to fairy tail and wakened you angel slayer magic but the time has come for you to leave and learn element angel slayer magic.

I know you probably don't want to but you will need it if you want to be a brave young Lady. I know you already are but I know you want the courage to tell someone you like them and this will help.

Go to the master and tell him you will be leaving fairy tail for awhile so you can do this one last wish for me. I know you might not want to so its up to you. I love you with all my heart no matter what you choose to do.

Love from your mother.

When Lucy had finished reading it she had already made up her mind. So she got up and went to the master's office.

Makarov PoV

I was in my office looking over some paper work that the council had sent me when there was a knock at my door. I said 'come in' and so the ten year old Lucy walked in.

"What can I do for you my child?" I asked a little worried but she just gave me a letter, so I read it.

"What do you want to do?" I asked knowing that she had already made up her mind.

"I would like to go and learn the element angle slayer magic if I could?" She asked me.

"I thought so. Well you will need to go to Porlysica she will know what to teach you, but i have a question." I explained to her.

"Yes what is it?" She asked.

"Will you come back to fairy tail after your training is done?" I asked her with a bit of hope in my voice.

"Yes of course this is where my family is!" She told me smiling with excitement.

We talked for a bit about were she could find Porlysica and what I was going to tell everyone.

It was now five in the afternoon Lucy had already lefted to find Porlysica and Gildarts, Cana and Laxus came running into my office.

"MASTER WHERES LUCY!" They all shouted at me in unison.

I just simply said what Lucy had told me to say, "She left to do some training. It was her mother's last wish before she died and Lucy wanted to do it. But don't worry she is coming back to fairy tail and if she doesn't then I will go and get her myself and drag her here." I said what I was told but I added a little to the end. They all had faces filled with worry.

Over the years Lucy was gone Laxus's power, the Demon slayer magic was awakened and he learnt in quickly, also he learnt element demon slayer magic. All this on top of the lighting dragon slayer magic he already had. He also got a bit grumpy.

It's been nine years now everyone was getting worried about Lucy because it's been so long. That was until a girl came to the guild at night to come to my office.

"Can I help you?" I asked her. I could feel her magic it was quite high.

"Oh master you don't remember who I am? That's hurts old man." She said hurt.

When I looked up she pulled down her hood she was wearing and I was over joyed.

The next day

I went to the front of the second floor were I could see everyone.

"LISTEN UP!!" I yelled to get everyone's attention. "Now I have something important to tell you. Five of you are going to the GMG games and you have no chose or you might miss something very important." I told them.

"Okay gramps who's taking part?" Laxus said from behind me.

"Alright it seems I have your attention. Now fairy tails team will be Laxus Dreyar, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel and Wendy Marvell. If anything happens to one of them then Gajeel Redfox, Elfman and Mirajane Strauss will take there places." Everyone looked a bit shocked that I put Gajeel as a substitute. "If your wondering why Gajeel is a substitute then you will see at the games until then my lips are sealed." Then I walked to my office.

Laxus PoV

I was wondering why gramps wanted Gajeel to be a sub when I caught a sent that isn't apart of our guild. When I was going to ask gramps Natsu called me.

"Hey Laxus do you smell that?" He called up to me.

I lean over the rallies and said " Yeah can all the dragon slayers smell the air and see if they smell something off." And they did.

"Yeah we do." They all said in unison. Just as I thought gramps is up to something but what.

"Okay let's go do some training before the games start in two days. We have today to train then tomorrow we will go to the honey inn were we are supposed to be by midnight." I said then walked down the stairs to do some training with everyone who was taking part or a sub and they followed me out the guild.

When we walked out Gildarts and Cana were coming back from a mission. We trained for the rest of the day and then we went home and packed for the train ride which I'm going to hate.

Next day at the train station

We got to the town were the games were being hold we just stayed at the inn until it was midnight. When it turned midnight the inn rose from the ground and two paths came from the room we were in and a different. When I looked to see who it was a girl with a hood on came running out and headed to the labyrinth. Not knowing what to do I told everyone to head to the labyrinth and find the exit.

We found the exit and we were third in getting there. This is how the teams got there:
Raven tail
Fairy Tail
Blue Pegasus
Mermaid Heel
Lamia Scale
That was all the guilds but no one has heard of the last one. That was the first day of the GMG games.

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