The mission...ASK HER!

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Everyone was in the guild apart from a female blonde that got took out by a eighteen year old Wendy and Romeo as soon as she got to the guild.

The blonde male walked up to the bar and asked the white haired match making Demon for help.

"Why do you need my help Laxus?" She asked him as she cleaned a glass.

"Well I want to ask Lucy to marry me but--" He got cut off by her screaming and then the master came over.

"What's going on here Mira?" Master asked. Mira smirked.

"Well you see master Laxus wants to ask Lucy if she wants to marry him." Mira explained as Master sat on the bar and stared at his grandson.

"And what seems to be the problem?" Master asked after he was finished staring.

"I don't know how to." Laxus says simply.

Master and Mira sat and stood there thinking about it until Levy came over and asked what they were up to. They explained what Laxus wanted to do just as Gajeel had heard about it because of his dragon census.

"Take her out on a meal but don't do it when you are eating. Do it somewhere that will be breath taking and where she hasn't seen before." Gajeel explained.

"Like where she was gone for seven years what hasn't she seen?" Laxus told him.

"I will have to get back with that one. I remember her telling a place before." He said as he walked away to think.

Everyone talk until they heard a bang from the guild hall doors and there stood a wore out Wendy with the White light around her. Everyone gasped.

"Wendy why do you have Lucy Angel Protection around you?" Mira asked as she ran to the girl.

"A dark guild attacked us when we were coming back and Lucy told me to get back to the guild and tell you. She told Romeo but he wouldn't listen to her." Wendy explained as she fell to her knees.

The next this they saw was a flash of yellow run past them and of into the distance. Everyone was running after it apart from Mira and Master who were looking after Wendy.

"Master go I will look after Wendy." Mira told master as he nodded and took of running. (Well tried to run).

To Lucy and Romeo.

"What do you want with Wendy?" Lucy asked as she had all her spirits out and three of here Angels.

"That is for us to know and you to find out." One of the men said as someone punched him.

"LAXUS!!" Lucy and Romeo shouted out when they saw him.

"Laxus where is Wendy?" Lucy asked.

"At the guild. Why?" He answered.

"DAME IT!! Stay here with Romeo and carry on fighting. ANGELS WITH ME SPIRITS STAY AND HELP THEM!!" Lucy shouted as the rest of the guild got there.

The next thing they saw was a flash of gold light and Lucy and the Angels where gone.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE LETS KICK SOME ASS!!" Laxus shouts and tell everyone. The all shout 'yeah' in agreement.

To Wendy and Mira at the guild.

They were sitting at the bar until the guild doors were thrown open and five members of the dark guild stood there. They were walking up to them until a gold flash of light was in their way.

When it was gone ther stood a platinum blonde with chocolate brown eyes and she had a smirk on her beautiful pink lips. With here was three Angels.

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