GMG games surpise

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Normal PoV

All the teams were waiting to be called out and it would be in order from last to first.

"In last place we have Lamia Scale." The came out. "In sixth place we have Mermaid Heel" they came out. " in fifth place we have Blue Pegasus" they came out with a lot of perfume. "In fourth place we have Fairy Tail." They came looking like they just wanted to be looking for someone. "In third place we have Sabertooth." They came out looking smug because they beat Fairy Tail by one place. " and in second place Raven Tail." They came out surprised they didn't get first. "And in first place we have L.V.C but before they come out there are only six places in the game so who could L.V.C be?" While the pumpkin man was speaking the fairy tail members look at their master looking smug like he known something.

"Okay who wants to know who L.V.C IS!" He shouted and everyone cheered wanting to know who they were.
"Alright would you please step forward." A person with a hood stepped forward. He carried on.

"This is Lucy Vermilion Clive a member of Fairy Tail who completed the labyrinth in less then thirty seconds but the question is will Fairy Tail have her Back?" The pumpkin man explained and asked.

"YES OF COURSE!!" All of Fairy Tail said in unison.

Gildarts PoV

As soon as we all said yes Lucy pulled the hood off and ran to all of us. I was surprised to see what she was wearing (at the top of the first page) she looked amazing. I'm glad I decided to stay for the games. Now I know why master wanted the guild to take part and everyone to be here.

"LUCY!" I shouted and she ran and in to my arms and everyone joined even the members in the arena.

Makarov PoV

I'm glad to see everyone back to there normal selves now. She really is the light of the guild.

"Thanks for going along with it master." Lucy said while come over to me.

"No problem my child now go kick some ass." I said she nodded and the Fairy Tail team went back to the arena.

Laxus PoV

I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears. Lucy the light of our guild has returned to us finally. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until I walked in to something or someone.

"You never change do you Laxus?" A girl said laughing.

"What do you--- Lucy." I said shocked it was Lucy I walked into.

I hugged her so tight I thought she might stop breathing or break a bone but she just hugged me back.

"So you got stronger as Well?" She asked me. I was about to answer when Wendy came over.

"Lucy right you can take my place." She said smiling.

"Are you sure?" Lucy asked worried. All Wendy did was nod. "Okay if that's what you want?" She nodded again.

It's good to have Lucy back in the Guild.

As the games went on Lucy didn't have a match until the last day against Flare Corona from Raven Tail. You could tell they have been cheating though all of the games that they had played. Everyone wished her luck.

Lucy PoV

After everyone wished me luck I walked in to the arena. I known their guild was a dark guild and they have been cheating though all of the games that they had played in.

So the match began Flare tried hitting me with her attacks but it didn't do anything to me because my outfit could withstand any attack. "OPEN GATE OF THE WATER BEARER, AQUARIUS!" I shouted. "Keep her busy Aquarius." I tell her she nods knowing what I'm going to do.

Before I start enchanting the spell to release my power I put a barrier around so no one can get though. Then I stared to enchant "The stars above are lights they come at my command to take my nightmares away, the heavens above give me the power to light the world, the angels are my sisters, I call forth ANGEL'S LIGHT!" Before I said angles light Aquarius went back to the spirit world. Flare was surrounded by lights that looked like angles. "ATTACK ANGELS LIGHT!" I shout and they did. When the light disappeared Flare was knocked out on the floor from the attack.

"I would like to say something to the judges." I call out. They look at me and nod.

"Angel slayer memory!" I call out and a screen appears and showed how they cheated.

After that Raven Tail was disqualified from the games and if they cheated in your game then you got the points. The end score was:
1st-Fairy Tail 58 points
2nd-Sabertooth 50 points
3rd-Lamia Scale/Mermaid Heel 46 points
4th-Blue Pegasus 41 points
Raven Tail disqualified
So Fairy Tail ended up winning the games.

Normal PoV

After the GMG games everyone went back to the guild to celebrate that they won and that they had Lucy back in the guild once more.

Once they were at the guild hall they asked Lucy what she had been doing the past nine years so she explained that she had to learn the other angel slayer magic and Porlysica tort her some healing magic also that there was a celestial dragon that tort her dragon Slayer magic or she would have been back early.

After she explained what happened everyone partied to they all fell asleep while Lucy was just sitting watching them until Laxus came over to her.

"Do you want to start a team with me?" He asked her.

"Sure!" She said excited.

When he stood up and was about to go and get some water to drink Lucy jumped on his back and told him to go to his house. He nodded and went to his house.

At Laxus's house

"So why did you want to come to my house?" He asked her.

"I had nowhere to stay. Sorry." She said while smiling.

"You can use the guest room." He said laughing at her.

She jumped of the sofa she was sitting on kissed his cheek and went to find the room.

Laxus PoV

I was just standing there shocked thinking 'she kissed my cheek, my childhood crush kissed my cheek.' I shook it off and went to bed.

Next morning

I woke up to the smell of something cooking it smelt like bacon and toast. I sat up in bed and ran to the kitchen. In the kitchen was Lucy cooking in one of my shirts.

"Hey why are you wearing one of my shirts?" I asked confused on how she got it.

"Oh I walked into your room and when I did I remembered I didn't have anything to sleep in so I took a shirt sorry." She explained.

"No it's ok but do you have anything to put on for today?" I asked wondering what her answer will be. She nodded. "What?"

"My clothes from yesterday. There in the washing machine with you dirty clothes." She explained again.

After we ate breakfast and got changed, then we went to the guild.

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