Attack of Acnologia

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"I am the Angel slayer, protecter of the good and innocent. I fight alongside the Angels, Spirits and Fairy's to protect those who are pure at heart. I fly with the Angels, they are my connection to the heavens, to the light of the world. They give me my power to do what's right, to help those who gave their life protecting the people who need protecting. I fight with the Angels to protect what's important to me, my friends, family and my friends for the future that I have yet to meet along with new family. I will purify anything or anyone who or what's want a new start. I call forth the PURIFYING ANGEL TIEN!" After Lucy enchanted the spell a gold and a light blue beam of light came from the sky and it could blind anyone who stared at it for thirty seconds.

When the light was gone along with the smoke, a beautiful girl with pure white wings stood there looking at Lucy. (Picture at the first page).

"How can I help you Lady Lucy?" The Angel asked.

"I know it's a lot to ask but I would like your help to purify Zeref. I know he has done bad things like kill some of your kind BUT everyone deserves a second chance and Fairy Tail are the people to do that also I'm not going to kill someone just because they were caused when they were a baby. It wasn't his fault, he couldn't do anything. I bet he whispered that he was dead along with his family and his friends if he had any and everyone has friends. So please Tien lend me your help and purity Zeref." Lucy explained while asking the last part.

'She does have the purest heart just like her mother Layla did. I want to know if she can do this but I don't want her to die but if her heart is this pure she won't.' Tien thought to herself.

"I will help you Lady Lucy but after I have you will have to convince your master to let him join your guild and get everyone in the world to see it as you do." Tien explained to Lucy and she nods. "Alright give me one of your hands." Tien told her and she does.

"I am the Purifying Angel Tien,

I join with a pure heart.

I am the Angel Slayer Lucy,

I join with the Purifying Angel.

We come together to purify what's dark,

To make it shine bright once again.

To give it hope in a new life,

To have a family and to make friends.

We ask the Angels to help with the spell,

To give the agreement to give a second chance.

Oh Angels everywhere we call you forth,

To witness a new life being born.


They take turns saying what they needed to then they joined together to complete the spell. Just before they said purifying all the spirits went back and so did the other Angels. They shot the spell to Zeref and it was a light blue, gold, silver and white beam of light.

"AHHHHHHHH!!" Is all they heard from Zeref from in the smoke.

After the smoke had cleared all they could see was Zeref on the floor motionless. The barrier he had put up was gone and the two groups that had went missing was now outside with the others being looked at. Zeref's body started to move but Lucy didn't put up a defensive stand, she just stood there.

"L-Lucy thank you. You gave me a second chance and I won't ruin it." He explained to her and she smiled to him.

"I won't let you because you are going to join Fairy Tail where everyone gets to start a new life and I will make sure you do because you helped fairy tail with some of the bad people they went against. They might not know it but myself and Master Makarov do. You will start a new life in Fairy Tail and I will help you." She explained to him while smiling afterwards. He nods knowing she will keep her word and that she was right.

Just when they were about to leave a blonde male came running into the cave.

"LUCY!" He shouted.

"LAXUS!" She shouts back while crying.

After that Lucy explained to Laxus what was happening with Zeref and they all went outside. When they got outside she explained to everyone what happened when he was a baby and though out his childhood and she told them what she had to do to make it happen and Tien came out from the cave.

"Tien? What are you doing here? I thought you went back to the Angel--" Lucy never got to finish what she was saying because everyone heard a loud roar.

"Acnologia has come to claim Zeref." Is all she says before running off to where it came from followed by Lucy.

When they got from where it came from they both saw the black dragon Acnologia destroying he what ever is in his way until he saw Lucy and Tien.

'Where is Zeref?' He asked them in his heads.

"I'm sorry but he has started a new life and YOU ARE NOT IN IT!" Lucy tells and shouts at him.

'WHAT!? Tell me where he is.' He shouts in an angry yet demanding thought.

Lucy just smirk while looking at Tien with a look saying you know what to do. Tien nods and attacks Acnologia followed not long after most of Fairy Tail that was on the island.

"LUCY CALL FENNA!!" Tien shouts at Lucy and she nods knowing who she is.

"Oh guardian of peace it is time you come forth. It is time you once again help those in need. It is time you wake from your sleep from deep in the Angel world. I command the guardian Angel of peace to come froth and fight alongside me. GUARDIAN FENNA!!" Lucy enchants the spell and a beam of all the colours in the world comes right from the sky. It lands in front of Lucy and when the light is gone a gorgeous Lady is standing there. (At the top of the first page, the one that says Fenna.)

"What can I do for you Princess Lucy?" Fenna asks.

"Fight alongside the others until I tell you to fall back." Lucy tells them and she nods and in a flash she is pushing Ancologia back without any effort.

Lucy let her fight alongside her family and friends. She felt something or someone behind her she turned around.

"Grandma Mavis." Lucy whispers. She smiles at Lucy.

"You know what to do. Lucy my child you are the only one that can do it with Fenna along with Laxus the Demon slayer. Get him to call Kioshi the Demon of pure ness then you will be able to get everyone off the island and then the four of you can put a shield up to protect Tenroujima Island." She explained and Lucy nods. "And use your exceeds to help. "She says before disappearing to help."

"LAXUS, ANGEl, DEMON, TENNA COME HERE!!" Lucy shouts and they do what they say. "Laxus call forth the Demon Kioshi and get ready to do a big spell a long with the rest of you." She tells them and the two and Fenna nod getting ready. Laxus nods doing what he was told and starts to enchant the spell.

"I command the Demon of pure ness to come forth. To fight with me to protect. I call forth the Demon KIOSHI!" Laxus finished the spell and the ground underneath them opens so a person can come up.

After the Demon had come up he had short black hair with red eyes that looked like blood. He had pure black wings as pure as you could, he also had little horns on his head. He looked at Laxus.

"You are to help us to get everyone off the island but only the people that are fighting and the people in the deaths of the island." Laxus explained to him.

First they did a teleportation spell to get everyone that was fighting Ancologia and that was on the island off to the Fairy Tail boat and the only people left on the island was Lucy, Angel, Fenna, Laxus, Demon and Kioshi. After they did the spell Fenna and Kioshi disappeared to back both the Angel and Demon world. Lucy and Laxus nodded to each other and joined hand along with Angel and Demon just as Ancologia was doing one last attack.

"LUCY, LAXUS, ANGEL, DEMON!!" They could here they family call before they all said four move words.

"Love you --" They all said before the island was gone after Ancologia last roar but before he could fly off Fenna and Kioshi killed him.

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