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Hello, my name is Y/N Artemis Chase

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Hello, my name is Y/N Artemis Chase. My mother is Artemis, how am I alive? Well it's simple really.

My mother, Artemis met a young nice African woman! My mum. They started to fall in love and Artemis decided to beg Styx just so she can have a child. Styx was very reluctant and declined until September 1st 1992 and she agreed! A year later, Artemis mixed her essence with my mums. She shot an arrow and soon i came.

It was September 3rd 1993 and I was born. Mummy loved me even if Artemis was not there. But a tragedy happened, mummy got sick and soon passed away. I was sent to numerous foster homes up until I was 6 and I ran away. I didn't care where I was going and when I was 7,  I met Grover. He told me I am a demigod and need to get to safety. We ran into Annabeth, Luke and Thalia. Grover was determined to get us safely to Camp Half-Blood while at the same time avoiding the forces of the Underworld. Hades, still being bitter about Maria's death, sent monsters to kill Thalia. Along the way, Grover took some wrong turns, which led us into danger with a huge cyclops.

The cyclops caught everyone but me and hung them over a pot. The cyclops tried to lure me in but I shot an arrow with perfect accuracy in his foot, the cyclops was caught off guard and I quickly untied Thalia who took care of everything else. Once we reached camp,all three Furies and an army of hellhounds attacked, and Thalia sacrificed her life on Half-Blood Hill to protect us, so we could reach the camp safely. I was sobbing as Annabeth was on Luke's back and I tried to run forward. Luke stopped me and pulled me back. Zeus took pity on his daughter and she became a pine tree.

During the next 3 years, I would hang out with Annabeth and become very close. I practised archery and was even better than the Apollo kids. I was claimed by Artemis but would sleep in the woods instead. Annabeth and I was ten years old when we heard the Great Prophecy. We had constant nightmares about it because Chiron told us that we would have a part to play. Every time a new camper came to Camp Half-Blood, we wondered if they were "the one," even if none of them were children of the Big Three.

Connor Stoll had placed a tarantula in Annabeth's bunk, a prank for which I nearly killed him. At some point around this time, Grover taught us a wilderness survival course, which while Annabeth considered "silly" at the time, would come in handy for her years later. I already knew it but got better.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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