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My secret boyfriend had just got into a fight because someone was shoving him around and he is terrified but isn't showing it his parents are really hard on him and sometimes beat him if he gets a bad grade you can only wonder what they will do to him now he looks at me as the vice principle is walking him to the office I nod and mouth 'it's ok' he nods and starts yelling at the kid saying "this is all your fault" and "you started it" we all know the kid did start it but I still feel bad for him his nose is bleeding bad it's definitely broken he gets to the office and once he is left in a room he texts me 'I'm screwed there gonna kill me' I heard my phone buzz and it was a text from Steven 'I know I know it's ok I'll get you before they get home ok?' I see he is typing 'baby my dads on his way to the school right now' I have free period so I decide to go to the office cause he clearly needs me I make sure no one sees I go to the empty conference room and see Steven in the corner panicking I run over and hold him in my arms on the floor. I hear the door open and look over it's just a secretary she looks at Steven crying and hyperventilating in my arms nods and walks away for a little bit and come back with water and the principle who is way nicer then the vice principle "he understands he is in trouble for his actions but his parents-" he flinches and I make a knowingly look towards him the principle nods " well I don't know what to do here" he says confused I look down to Steven and whisper in his ear "I'm gonna go sign myself out ok just a couple seconds alright" he nods I get up and go to the sign out sheet sign my name and walk back to the conference room I grab tissues and water I sit next to him on the floor we see Jake Jones' walks by that's the kid he fought "why is he crying your not the one with a FUCKING BROKEN NOSE" I get up go over to him calmly and say "would you like me to add a broken arm to that list" he looks at me stunned and walks away "that's what I thought" I go back and a couple minutes later we here Stevens dad on the intercom system he sounds pissed "o no" Steven squeals out I hold him tight clear his eyes and stand him up "take a deep breath ok" he does so and I wipe his eyes" it'll be ok, I'll come get you as fast as I can ok?" He looks at me with pure fear in his eyes I hug him and he walks out of the room with his head low his dad looks at him with disgust and I walk out a few minutes after I already have my keys and all my stuff is in my locker anyway so I say "I signed out" the secretary nods and says "be safe and fast" I nod and run out of the building seeing one of my football teammates on the way out he says where you going I just saw Steve leave I said " I gotta go really important appointment" and run by him I get out there to see his dad bang Stevens head off the dashboard I run to my car and practically speed to Steve's house I make it there before his dad and climb up to his room he always leaves the window open for me to come over. I few minutes later I see his red banged up truck role into the driveway they get out and he hits Steven in the back of the head and walk through the door I hear screaming and smacks happening but it doesn't sound like hands maybe' o no he got the belt' I thought to myself I hear them walking up the steps I hide under his bed and hear him lay in his bed I hear one last WHAP and his dad says "I'll be back later after work and your mother will find out about it as well" he walks out of the room and the door gets closed I climb out from under the bed "Ry it hurts a lot" I look at his face and see I mark forming "take off your shirt" he removes his shirt and I see tons of bruises all over some are old "I've been getting some 90's on test recently" he looks down. I hear the truck pull away so I go grab an ice pack from down stairs "here I'll grab you some clothes and things" he nods I pull out his 'runaway bag' and start packing it I put clothes in it and add his tooth brush and other toiletries he grabs the bear his grandma bought him when he was younger and his phone,phone charger,photo book, and his baby blanket his grandma also got him we put everything in the bag he puts his shirt on and we go out of the house out the window and to my car I throw the bag in the truck and zoom off to my house he falls asleep against the window so I pick him up bridal style and bring him into my house I lay him on my bed and go back outside to lock my car and grab his stuff last time it was this bad he stayed for four months. He lays what looks to be peacefully I get in bed and pull him close to me he snuggles into my neck I lift his shirt to see mixes of blue purple and yellow all over his back that's why whenever he's in class and sits his back up against things or stands for too longs it can become agonizing pain
Steven is sitting in class and it's his turn to present his presentation was going well but it is supposed to be ten minutes long he knew he'd be in a lot of pain but he felt limp and then fainted in front of the class I get up and say to the teacher " I should bring him to the nurse" she nods and I carry him to the nurse on the way he regains consciousness and I stop at my locker for the Tylenol that I have for him and then we walk to the nurse she knows the situation and has been trying to help he goes limp again before we make it there so I put my arm under his arm and his other arm over my neck trying to take most of his weight "again" the nurse says with a sad sigh I nod "he fainted this time almost did again on the way here" "lift his shirt" his back is covered with bruises "I failed a test" he mumbles out she says to lay him down and to come back and get him in two periods I nod and walk out.
End of flashback
He stirs awake and holds me tight as he sobs into my chest "why me " he cries out it breaks my heart to see him like this I hold him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear the next day I go to school with him he knows he needs too learn for the upcoming exams and he knows his dad will try and get him from school we make it to first period where we have a presenter we both sit in the back of the room and a couple minutes into the presentation the person goes "I need a volunteer" not knowing what she is going to do me and Steven don't raise our hands but nobody else did so she picks someone " you back there with the grey hoodie" I look over to Steven as he gets up groggily and walks up we are gonna stand on one foot for five minutes then try to walk normally he nods knowing he is gonna have to stop mid way he told me earlier he does feel good already so I'm expecting him to faint this tim I move up a couple seats sneakily to make sure he doesn't hit his head he looks at me and gives a weak smile as it starts he made it to two minutes and fifty seconds then he stops and grabs a desk trying not to faint he starts to fall I stand up and catch him just before he hits the ground i bring him to the back of the room while the teacher makes everyone leave I start tapping his face until he wakes up " I thought I could do it though" "I know it's ok you made it half way though" I gave him the water he sits up slowly and he sips it the bell rings and everyone comes back grabs their books and leaves I only brought him the last time because he hit his head that time the presenter come over and apoligizes saying she didn't know he had fainting disorder i tell her he doesn't its other reasons she nods and walks away he gets up and I grab his books we walk to the next class and sit in the back corner like usual the teacher walks in and says we are gonna be changing seats I look over with and annoyed eyeroll she starts calling names for the first row "Danelle, Zach,Sara,Levi, and Ryland" that's impossible I supposed to be by Steven I got a note from his doctor saying that I need to be seated by him because of his fainting episodes stating I sit behind or infront of him and depending on the spacing of rows next to him she then calls Steven first for the second row I walk up to her and tell her about the note she says "o I know but I used to be a nurse so he is safer in the front with me" at this point I'm pissed off the teacher had the note and ignored it because she feels he is safer with her what the hell I walk out of the room and I hear her start to talk I ignore her and hear a ping from my phone it's a video from Steven he recorded the entire thing including her insulting me on my way out 'I'm literally dating a genius' I thought. I bring it too the office they said they'd handle it I go back to class and I walk back to class and she gets a call she switches levi and stevens seats class ends and she glared at me on the way out instead of going to gym we go to the auditorium because we don't need to go to gym we sit on the floor and Steven lays down and falls asleep on my legs fast forward to the end of the day it's our our health class he said we are doing an activity he has all the tables spread away and he said it's a game where he says something and you switch with someone if you've done it. it's a lot of walking and standing so I pay close attention to Steven today I'm gonna bring him to a doctor about the fainting because it happens a lot and even before his parents would beat him he'd faint sometimes but not as frequent after about five minutes he gets dizzy so he backs up and sits against a table the teacher says the next thing and it's "ever played sports" and of course I have I'm on the football team so I walk to the spot by Steven "you okay" I whisper he blinks a couple times and nods he gets back in line after about five more minutes he faints mid step I grab hold of him and bring him out of the room "this one is a really bad day isn't it" he nods I bring him ti his locker after gaining permissions to get his stuff we walk to the office and sit in the chairs just waving for final bell I hear tapping on the glass to the area where the intercoms was and see his dad "bubs you might want to sign out now and leave a different exit "wha- what why?" He looks over shocked and gets up signs himself out and we walk to a different exit we go near the shop room and leave that way I walk back to my car to see one of my tires slashed "SON OF A BITCH" he flinched at my sudden outburst "o I'm sorry bubs" I say feeling very guilty about what just happened he nods and says it's ok. I change my tire and we go to my house to see my door open idk why I shut it and locked it and my mom isn't home then I look ups bf down the street "look" I hear from Steven behind me I see his dad walk about of the house with a crowbar in hand "shit RUN" I yell and we both start running down the street we make it to my old tree house and climb up I look over at Steven and he looks back and says "I'm really dizzy" I sit cries cross and have him lay in my lap I play with his hair and he soon falls asleep I get a ping on my phone and see that Jake Jones posted something I'm coming for you and your friend too you know who you are and you know what you did I look in shock and I'm infuriated I choose not to wake Steven I'll just show him later I see his dads car drive by an hour later Steven stirs awake "shhh calm down we are at the treehouse we can go back to my house now your dads truck drove by a couple times but I haven't seen it in awhile". He nods and we walk back to my house I walk in to see some valuables smashed I run to the kitchen and check for the urn in the back of the Cabernet it was shattered and my grandparents ashes are all over the bottom of the cabinet now I was over the edge with rage I turn to see Steven with his mouth hung open and anger building up in his eyes he knew my grandparents well we would all go over to their house during the summer so when they died it hit us pretty hard all my friends actually I call some of the guys on the team who we both are friends with "get to Steve's house in ten minutes asap" without a question they say ok and I pull up with Steve in the car I grabbed some bats and crowbars but there is no use for them for right now the guys pull up I explain what he did some of the guys look confused as to why he smashed up my house I say that it doesn't matter and he broke the urn they too now we're now fuming I bang on the door to see Steve's mother answer " I'm gonna ask once Mrs.Moore where is he" I say in an angered tone she runs back and I hear her getting him "You son of a bitch you want to go into my house and smash my grandparents urn and so many other valuables thinking you'll get away with it" with that he hits me in the face and I jump back up and knock him down and start beating him to a pulp I feel people trying to pull me off him but I was too angry all the emotions I had pushed down from there death were all coming out I feel to familiar soft hands on my arms I look over to see Steven behind me "let's go" I nod I look down to see what I had done it was pretty bad but I look at the guys knowing what will happen next the cops they all nod knowing they hadn't seen anything and wouldn't say anything eithier there was no cameras so there was no evidence my hand was bruised so I iced it and tappped in I'm gonna say that I punched a beam because I accidentally broke the urn myself and was mad at myself and Steven was gonna back that up I clean up the house put the urn in a bag and sweep up as much of the ashes as I can some of it I had to vacuum up but then I layed in bed and cried just cried it felt as if all my suppressed emotions just fell out I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist I just sob more I turn over nuzzle into his neck knowing it's Steven I calmed myself and went to sleep. The next morning was nothing but pure hell we get to school and none other than Jake Jones is waiting at Stevens locker I go over to my locker which shocker is next to Stevens I grab both mine and his books "where's the bitch" Jake says while laughing with his friends "Remember Jake my little promise still applies to anything revolving my friends don't start your shit" I say "yea ok Ryland like your gonna do anything" Jake snickers I'm already extremely angry I had to deal with cops last night and the urn is broken and Steven is hurting and now I have to put up with preppy boy Jake this is not gonna be a good day I make it to my algebra class where I see one of my friends named Krystal and Elly. Me and Steven want to tell them about us but I'm the one who's scared I know they won't say anything though we go sit in our usual spots and the topic of conversation begins "so when ya gonna admit it" Krystal says "admit what" Steven asks "that you two are literally perfect for eachother" Elly states "I think we already did" I say smirking "what do you mean" Elly questions I grab hold of Stevens hand under the desk and start running my thumb across his knuckles "No way" Krystal says in shock "Yes way" I say "But you can-" I start "I know I won't tell a soul but that doesn't mean me and elly aren't gonna talk about it when no one is around" she says while giggling. A few periods later and we are at lunch, me Steven elly and Krystal have different lunches. Me and Steven have 7th period and the girls have 6th period and we really don't sit with anyone else cause we don't really know them all but Jake. We make it to the line and Jake is right behind me he starts shoving me into Steven I whisper to Steve "just move up a little I don't want to hit your back on accident" he nods and moves up more but then Jake pushes me so hard I fall into two people one of which is Steven I look down and look up "Ry don't-" I turn around and punch him in the face and fulfill my promise by breaking his arm I pull Steven up and we leave the caf going straight upstairs I bring Steven to the nurse and I go to the office to admit what I have done it's near the end of the day and I'm looking out the window I see that same red beat up truck but I don't see anyone in it so when I clear everything up with the principle I say I'll be back in five minutes I go out key his car and slash his tires ya know payback is a dish best served cold.


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