The championships

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My name is Angel Wessex and I'm a hockey player but that's not the main point of the story I'm dating one of the best players on the team named Will Kingsley he is a center and I'm a goalie right now we are in my room taking about finals "they are coming up quick" he says I know he is nervous about it because he is under a lot of pressure "come here" I say and he scoots in between my legs and I cuddle him "it'll be okay I promise" little did I know I would be beaten by some jerk at the game during finals "we have practice in thirty minutes you wanna get ready or no" I ask he just nuzzles closer "okay five minutes" I say with a slight chuckle and five minutes later we were grabbing our hockey gear and heading out the door saying goodbye to my mom in the process everyone knows about us the team coaches parents friends really the whole school does cause whenever someone would flirt with me they got a surprise by Will hovering over them I mean I enjoy him being protective it definitely helps when it comes to people on the ice some of them won't even score because they don't want it to hit me but I can definitely hold my own when fights break out we are both real gym rats and don't really show pda but when we are alone that's a different story we arrive to the ice rink and walk in we are always early I set up my stuff and see him struggling with his bag hook again "here I got it you really need to fix this one" I say taking it from him "thanks" he says everyone else starts showing up now the whole team is here as well as the coaches they were already here just in a meeting Coach walks into the locker room "todays practice is going to be hard and long okay we saw this one coming it's the last practice before finals and it was going alright it was a good practice I got to work on blocking the puck a lot and I saw Will working on foot work we practiced hard and went home finals are in two days but we leave tomorrow afternoon to make it to Minneapolis on time. I started packing my things for finals. I have my hockey gear and my backpack which has my iPad phone charger, phone, wallet, keys, and deodorant. Finals is gonna be a long run because if we win or lose we have to stay in Minneapolis for the other teams to get a proper tier the first game we are up against the neighboring towns school we have beaten before and I've been studying the shots they take mainly high right corner and down the left side but I'm ready for anything. It's the next day and I'm over Wills house looking through is back pack since he slacks off with packing I made sure he had clothes and essentials and I stuffed a hoodie in my bag that's his "oh stealing are we" he says pulling me close to his chest "I mean technically you'll get it back in a couple months so it's borrowing" I say and kiss him lustfully he wraps his arms around my waist and then we hear his mom calling "you guys need to hurry up your going to be late" we pull away look at the cloak and run to the car she drives us over and we were still one of the earliest ones there wow our team is really bad at time management. Once everyone is loaded onto the bus me and Will sit in the back of the bus with my head on his shoulder the drive begins the whole town was there for our sendoff with signs and poppers during the long drive we are all making jokes and talking I feel weight on my shoulder and Will is asleep guess the stress is getting to him I move so that he is in more of a laying position and start to run my fingers through his hair couple guys were kinda staring they have never seen us act very touchy but they got passed it and we continued conversation we make it to Minneapolis a few hours later we make it to the hotel "will wake up" I nudge him and he doesn't budge so I do what I did last time I grab his backpack put it over mine and carry him off the bus coach offered to help but I said I got it I then had to grab both hockey bags which I'm not going to lie I did struggle but I made it "you sure you don't need help" Jack said "yea I'm good man thanks though" I get our room key from coach and go to the elevator cause it's on the third floor but just my luck it's shut down "for fucks sake okay stairs it is" I say to myself "DAMM angel is like the fuckin hulk over there" I hear Brody say I chuckle and keep going I make it to the room I drop the hockey bags and open the door I put Will on the bed and grab the hockey stuff I just flop on the other bed with an exasperated sigh I fall asleep right then and there but a few minutes later I hear knocking on the door I look through the peephole and see Jack and Brody I turn around to see that Will is awake and so I tell him who's here and open the door "sup" I say "dude you were like a beast earlier" "why what's he do" I hear Will ask "not only did he carry you up three flights of stairs but also the two backpack and those heavy ass hockey bags" Jack says "oh my god" Will says I just nod "also everyone is at Ryan's room if you wanna join "nah we are good thanks though" Will says "okay see y'all later" and they both leave I turn around "maybe I wanted to go" I tell him he smirks "no you don't trust me" he gets up and pulls me onto the bed it started with a heated make out session then things got more heated and let's say hockey won't be fun tomorrow and I hope I don't fall on my ass. We fall asleep tangled together and wake up early the next morning for breakfast I have a slight limp but am able to hide it although everyone knows if we both didn't show up it normally means something spicy happened we got some looks and smirks  but we just grabbed our food and ignored them. I was wearing the hoodie I stole from him it was so comfy the finals were tonight so they had the day to themselves most of the boys went to the gym including me and Will that's when the other teams starters showed up twenty minutes into my sets "well fuck" I said in a hushed whisper and I already saw Will completely skipping what he was doing it take the machine next to me "Well look what we have here guys the losers we are gonna beat tonight boot them from the finals so they can go home and cry to their mommies well that is except Angel of course" I see will start to get up with a look of rage in his eyes I put my arm in front of him "don't he isn't worth your time" I say "aww look his little boyfriend is gonna beat us up whoopdie do your fucking pathetic Will your not a good player I don't even know how you play center you should be playing the bench because you fucki-" WHAPP and down he goes "don't fucking talk about him you piece of shit" I say furious and I see him scramble his way to his feet blood pouring out of his mouth "this isn't over Wessex your done for tonight" "yea yea bite me bitch" I say going back to the weights everyone stare at me shocked yes I play hockey but I usually never pick fights with anyone. "Okay hard tonight guys and Angel watch your back okay we already know they cheap shot but they are gonna try it because of what happened earlier" Coach says to the entire locker room story spread fast that I punched one of the best members of that team he was being a dick though we get out on the ice and get to the net I watch the other team come out they all state at me as if they were trying to be intimidating the game starts and I only missed blocking one shot now they are at the other end of the rink so I'm just waiting for a little then the jerk from earlier is coming at me but he doesn't have the puck "what the fuck is he doing" I thing out loud then he doesn't stop so I move and he rams into the net he is still standing and then turns to me grabs my helmet and starts yanking on it "what the fuck" I say out loud I start punching and pulling his hands off my helmet then another one shows up behind me and start punching my back over and over obviously I have padding but still kinda hurt he won't let for of my helmet "he gonna fucking kill me" I think focus on your helmet angel don't let him break your neck for a fucking helmet. I take the strap of and my helmet gets yanked off my head I instantly cover my head from the punches where are the fucking refs I hear coach  screaming to them but no one is coming what the hell then the punching in my back stops "get off" I hear Will he must've gotten the other one incover my face take off my gloves and start throwing punches he falls after two punches. "Bitch fuck you" we all are pulled off the ice because it wasn't just two player fighting two players it was everyone complete brawl since they started it they were ejected from the game. We both decided a rematch would be fine as long as he wasn't in the game they played and they won the championship when they got on the bus to go back I still wasn't quite happy with the fact that he said those things and tried to make a fool out of me I'm sitting in the back of the bus apparently my emotions were all over my face because even when the team was cheering I looked pissed off and Will noticed "what's wrong" he says in a calmer quiet tone and I just told him I was fine and realized not to get caught in the past we moved passed it and celebrated.


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