My personal token striaghts

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Ethan has a very rough life some of his friends know about it but most don't. One rainy night Miranda his neighbor saw his father hitting him again she watched as he grabbed his stuff and ran out of the house looking in both directions frantic he knew he couldn't stay with Josh again his mom is back in town "HEY Ethan" she said and waved him over rapidly he trusted over "stay here I have a mattress you can use" she says he wasn't really at liberty to deny a roof over his head for the night he came in and she set up the mattress he tried to help but she told him not to and to sit and relax. She set up the bedding in the living room. Her dad works nights so she left him a note explaining why a boy was on their living room floor. "Do you need anything water maybe something to eat" she asked quiet as to not startle the boy who's jerk impression crumbled into a fragile one "no thank you umm can I ask you something" he asked also quiet "sure" she said and sat on the couch on the corner "why'd you help me" he asked a look of shame on his face he knows his friends aren't nice to her all the time. "I would help anyone in a situation like that and my door is always open if you need I overheard you and Josh his mom is home now sorry for eavesdropping" "least of my worries i promise" he says "thank you though really" he says "do you need clothes or want something to change into im sure my dad has something or my older brother Ollie he is in college but his closet is half full" she offered but he shook his head "no I'm okay thank you though but Miranda can we not bring this up at school" he says clearly anxious about it "my lips are sealed Ethan I promise" she says then she walks to her room and they both go to sleep. At 3:45 am Miranda awakens to yelling and crying from the living room. She races down the hall and see Ethan tossing and turning "Ethan Ethan it's a dream Ethan wake up WAKE UP ETHAN" he jolts up breathing heavily "sorry sorry" he says "are you okay" she asks very concerned "yea just a dream" he says shakily. Wordlessly she spins on her heals goes and grabs her pillow and blanket and gets on the couch. "What are you-" Ethan starts "shut up and go to sleep I'm being nice" she says in a playful tone he chuckles and lays back down subconsciously very close to the couch since the air mattress is smaller then the couch she sticks out her hand and he gratefully took it holding onto it like he would die if he didn't hold on it was strange a classmate he never spoke more than a few words too was holding his hand and helping him sleep but he was calm so he fell asleep they awoke to the alarm she set on her phone still holding her hand he ran his thumb over her knuckles and she began to shift and awaken "good morning" she said he nodded in reply they got changed and Miranda said goodbye to her father. Last night wasn't his first panicked awakening or panic attack so when he felt uneasy about walking up to the building miranda looked at him "sealed lips remember but I'm here if you need me okay" she said and he nodded he put on a fake smile and made it all the way to his locker and put his books away he went through all his classes and made it to science last period of the day. He chose to sit next to Josh and behind miranda nobody knew about their time the other night but she sat there anyway knowing one of the guys would be a dick and get in her face "YOO bitch needs to get outta my seat bro" TJ said he walked closer to her and Ethan's body tensed he used to look out for her when they were younger but she didn't know he still did "actually you need to move fatty" TJ said "actually I'm not the fat one in this conversation and second you were the one who walked in five minutes late therefore you don't have a seat" she said Ethan chuckled to himself "so I suggest you move your ass and sit in the front cause then maybe you'd gain some brain cells" she said "whatever dude" TJ said knowing he was defeated. The encounter didn't stop his fidgetiness then slowly his breathing picked up Miranda took note of this but didn't want to make it obvious so since they were doing class work she was going to ask a question on the assignment she spun around and whispered "are you okay" he shook his head "it feels tight in here" he said grabbing at his collar. She looked over to Josh who just stated she snapped in his face he snapped out of it and she began to speak "I need you to go to the teacher give her this paper it explains what's happening now I'm bringing him out of this room" she said he nodded and stood up and they both stood and swiftly left the classroom. He sat by the lockers "breathe your safe in school in the hallway your okay take a deep breath" she demonstrated and he copied the teacher came out and said she was gonna call guidance "no don't leave" he said almost in tears "look look at me" he lifts his gaze from the floor "I'm not leaving you" he nodded they did breathing techniques and shortly before the bell rang they went down the back stairwell to guidance she held his hand and rubbed his back the entire journey. When they made it to guidance the counselor tried to tell her it was a private matter and she could wait in the other room but he wouldn't let go of her and he gave her one of those looks of fear but also of need he needed her and she would stay. Miranda always thought men are strange but this was by far the strangest thing ever a highschool jock and a tough girl with nothing but a stubborn attitude towards them are sitting in a counselor's office letting Ethan recuperate from a panic attack she just helped him through "Ethan" she said in a hushed whisper "I'm not going to leave you here I promise but would you like something maybe a juice or snack" Miranda asked calmly knowing both things are in her bag which is right outside the door he nodded and she went to get up to go towards the door. He grabbed her hand "it's right outside I promise I will leave the door open so you can see" he nodded and slowly retracted his hand. He watched her go grab her bag and go back into the room. He sipped the juice while the counselor spoke to him Miranda by his side the whole time he was in a daze throughout the conversation "ethan Ethan can you hear me did you hear what I asked" Mrs greenfield asked "huh what" he said snapping out of his little world "I asked if this has happened before" she say he stays silent but nods he looks to Miranda looking like he wants to say something "I don't think it's ever happened this bad before " she pipes in and he nods. The guidance counselor leaves yet again to explain to the front office stating he should probably go home but home is where this all started "just go to my house" she whispered she knew he was spiraling about going home he just squeezed her hand slightly being sure she knew he appreciated the gesture. She squeezed back and the counselor came back in "you can sign yourself out and go home okay" she says thinking she helped but she really didn't he shuttered slightly. "I have to go back to class but i'll be there as fast as i can okay the key is in the plant" Miranda knew she was going back to questions from her peers. He collected his belongings and left. She on the other hand had to face terror. They had switched periods now so she was in chemistry who knew helping a boy would make her have to face literally an entire class focused on her. As she walked through the door without Ethan she got bombarded "where is he?" "what happened" "why was he freaked out" "what is going on" question after question she couldn't do it also it wasn't anyone's business "EVERYBODY SHUT UP" the room grows quiet " it is none of your business what happened last period and i swear to god i you try and ask me anything you will meet you fate with the dead frogs from biology" she said exasperatedly everyone backed off shortly after. Once the school day was over she went to her car and drove home, nearly getting arrested in the process but she slowed down and didn't get caught. She went in to her house seeing Ethan asleep on the couch she walked over to him and played with his hair as she sat on the edge of the couch he leaned into it subconsciously and started to awaken from his slumber, "Good morning I see you found the key and the couch" she giggled he nodded "you know you really make this less bad this whole horrible father who doesn't care his son has been gone for two days and the mental decline in his kid goes completely unnoticed" he said with a chuckle. She knew this would come, he was bound to break at some point but this is just the beginning. " I mean like he doesn't even love his own son. I could be dead right now and he'd still be drinking like there's no tomorrow. Why doesn't he love me aren't i good enough i get good grades play lacrosse run track hell i even joined the tennis team to make him proud why am i not good enough" he said as he started to cry miranda sat silently holding him in a side hug until the sniffles died down "i ruined your shirt im sorry" he said "i don't care all that matters is that your okay alright' she said and he gave a slight nod "ok" he said they watched a movie together and fell asleep with his head on her shoulder her father came home to that image he just smiled and let them be. His daughter was never a very social kid so the fact she has a friend and possible boyfriend amazed him and he knew she was responsible so he didn't have to worry about this he could just enjoy it. The next day was one of the worst days of Ethan's life. He got to school with tons of stares and some whispers but worst of all was the fact his friends didn't seem to want to associate with him and considering the class rebel badass helped him through a literal panic attack was crazy. They both showed up together then separated to their lockers "Hey guys look who it is the goth girls new bitch" said Garrett from down the hall 'don't pay attention don't let it hurt you' "yea and so what if he's my new bitch even though he is not you were once my bitch too remember" He turned his head to see Miranda smiling at him. He smirked and got his things. 'I never thought Miranda had a soft spot. Maybe she does. I mean she does a lot for me, gives me a place to stay and everything' his thoughts were interrupted by some curses and the bell ringing. After school they went about their day as usual it became his new normal staying at the house across the street what he didn't realize is that his feelings would drastically change the way he feels about it.


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