Chapter 2

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"Apologies for my late arrival, sir." You sigh, hurriedly rushing to your seat near the window. "No need for apologies. The professor states, raising his hands in defence. "I understand your father struggling to get cases over and done with so they're practically getting anyone these days to achieve that." He laughs, taking a swig from the old and bitter cup of coffee.
Old and bitter...sounds quite familiar.

You slyly raise a brow at his remark yet nonetheless sat down, placing your folder out on the dainty small coffee table in front of you.

"So down to business. I understand someone you were in contact with recently passed due to suspicious circumstances, correct ?" You ask, flipping through the folder. "Well yes I-
The man suddenly stops, his breath hitched as he stares down at the photographs before him. You slowly raise your head, not understanding what caused his sudden distraction.
There laid a photograph of a man being victim to a acid attack. Fragments of the skull exposed with parts of the flesh starting to rot along with somehow the eye still being intake despite the eye socket lolling to the side of the blood covered skin.

"This isn't too much for you is it ?"
"I've been doing this for a few months now, sir. I'm wise now to know not to have porridge before examining evidence photographs." You shrug, flipping through the photographs.

"Ah ! Here." You stop, pointing to a photograph of the victim associated with this particular case.

"Do you see the little marks here around the eyes ?" You ask, pointing to around the eyes "Those are clearly marks left from finger nails digging into the skin." You sigh, taking an exhausted breath.
"Seeing how deep they are and how short and curved they seem, I would suggest it being someone who looks after themselves well, meaning manicures regularly, assuming it's a woman maybe."

You suggest, staring out the photograph carefully. Despite acknowledging the quiet man sat across from you, you couldn't notice the man sat in shock at just how quickly you could come up with an answer to the questions other detective would struggle to answer. But then again...he didn't even have a chance to ask you about the man as you had already dived in . The man couldn't help but to wonder was it due to your intelligence or rather your interest in finishing the case and leaving as soon as possible.

"It's definitely not his of course." You continue.

"So to that I say he probably attacked said woman and in self defence she tried to scratch his eyes out and failed but she isn't responsible for his death." You state, shaking your head.

"If you look closely you see around the lower collar the skin has marks left of a rope-

"So he was strangled to death ?" The man inquires.

"Ha ! No !" You suddenly exclaim.
Oh how you love the sudden look of confusion on a persons face.
"Do you really believe a young girl with dainty fingernails could take out a man with a fat neck like him ?"


When you found yourself returning to your disdained and somewhat falling apart apartment you couldn't help but feel slightly gutted. You understood rather early on in this unwanted job that men long in or out of the career would rather slice a finger off than to admit a woman was right.

Despite having all the evidence to suggest the cause of the cause. You were shot down like a rabid dog and left with "interesting inquiry, y/n. Now let the rightful people deal with this."

"Ah !" You groan, reaching up to rub your temple. You manage to throw your belongings down onto the lonesome couch before practically climbing over rubbish that laid on the carpet. Clean it later.

You can't help but sigh as you crouch down to the height of the small kitchen fridge. Peeling off the sticky note from the fridge that states "CALL ME ! - FATHER"
Yeah right. Do your dismay and disgust the fridge was almost empty besides the-
"Holy shit that's gone off !" You cry, pinching your nose in horror as you practically run to the sink to throw out the expired milk. "I need a bath." You moan, stretching your tight arms as you head down the minor corridor.


They say that baths are suppose to be a calming experience to not only relax the body but also the mind. What bullshit.
Your brows furrow as you stare up at the ceiling. The dull light keeps flickering every few minutes and making a buzzing noise.
Ah the noise. Your tongue clicks in irritation as your head lols to the side, your eyes catching a glimpse of a opened folder. A case.

You couldn't really recall every making a decision so fast. You step out the tub, feet touching the awfully cold tiles, grabbing a towel before heading down to your bedroom. But not before grabbing the file along with you. Your wet fingertips smudging the papers.


"Usual ?" The bartender asks as he cleans off a glass. "Yeah." You state, sparing him a quick glance. You don't recognise the man, however you lack care as you already start to flick through the folder. Your hand reaches up to place your hair behind your ear. You could feel that your hair was slightly damp.

You rub your temples in hope of soothing the aching headache. Yet to no avail.
The lights, aw the lights gleamed as bright full as always. The sound of chitter chatter filled the wholesome pub as those gathered together in harmony.

However that dreadful heavy buzz and the ringing in your ear never went.

But then it stopped. As soon as your ears picked up the daunting sound of the stool beside scratching against the floor as someone sat down. Slowly but surely, raising your tired eyes they momentarily widen at the intimate sight. Unsmiling blue eyes met your bewildered eyes and suddenly you feel the strong urge to look away yet your curious eyes betray you.

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