Chapter 16

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The house might as well have been empty.
You father sits down sluggish in his chair as you stand purposely far away.
Your stare makes him feel worse and worse and you know this and yet you continue.

"What do you want me to say ?" He croaks, his head down in shame.
He would've been better off not speaking as the more or really the less he says the more you become rightfully agitated.
"The shed was literally set on fire ! That was no accident !"

"All of it is gone do you understand?! It's gone !"

He stays still and it deeply angers you.

"Is there alcohol in that fridge ?" You point at it yet you don't dare to look, already knowing the answer to your question.

He doesn't respond yet he doesn't need to. You rush over and pull the fridge door open and the sight disgusts you.
An almost empty six pack a newly bought six pack, expired food and no sign of a drink that doesn't contain alcohol.
How could it only take you this long to realise how bad this was ?
"I thought you only drank in the pub with those other drunks ?" You sigh.

Oh how wrong you were.
There was some part of you that desperately wanted to be wrong yet you weren't. "I haven't been getting cases because all this time I was putting that shed together !" He chokes on a sob.

You would've been disturbed by his sudden burst of emotions and yet you can't find it due to be so ill by the last couple of days. One bad thing after another all because of some cases.

"What the hell is that on your cast ?" He suddenly barks, his finger points at you like he was accusing you of something.
How dare he. "So you don't acknowledge the whole situation of me having a fracture due to you sending me on the job but you can when there's initials on my wrist ?!"

To make matters worse he completely disregards everything you said.
Especially the fact that you almost broke your arm because of him.
"Is it a guy you're seeing ?" He raises a brow.

"I don't even have time to be seeing a guy because I'm so busy doing your cases for you !" You scoff.

"You won't be busy anymore ." He chuckles. You can almost feel a blood vessel pop. He has the audacity to laugh.

He doesn't get it. He never will. He's hungover and yet he makes more sense even when he's drunk on the job.
He's more incompetent when he's sober.

It is only when you stand your ground and shout he dares to meet your eyes.
"The past year I've been following your lead with no arguments."
If you weren't wearing a cast you would've clenched your fist by now.

"You need to go to a rehab centre or a meeting ! I don't care whether you spend twelve days or twelve hours this happens now !"

"I'm done." You state before finally walking off, leaving him sat in shame.

But before you leave there was something you needed to do.

You stand still just like you were last night.
This time now however the sky is bright and the shed somehow still standing is the colour of  coal.

The door frame was still intact.
The roof was caving in, it could collapse at any moment. But when the light catch something in the corner you instantly notice.

You gasp at the sight. You know especially now you shouldn't ge typur hopes up. Clearly not but still there's something...there !
In between two what once would of been boxes there was a file. Either it fell between the boxes or maybe it was shoved between the two. You shake your head at the thought

The file was about to crumble under your touch yet when you quickly flicker to the last page there a corner seemingly not destroyed by the fire.

At the bottom of the page the only speck clear of ash and ruin. Only one word or rather name was freed from the flames.


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