The relization

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         "Tea's almost ready Sherlock!" John yells so Sherlock can hear him. "Thanks John." Sherlock replies. A few minutes later John enters the living room with the tea but for reason there's an awkward silence between them.  "Say John how did you know Mary was the one for you?" Sherlock asked trying to break the ice with a curious look on his face. "Well whenever I'm around her I get this feeling I can't quite explain it but it's the same feeling you get when you have a crush on someone." John explained "I see."Sherlock replied.  " Don't tell me the Sherlock Holmes has someone he fancies." John said in a teasing manner." something like that." Sherlock said blushing a little. "Well tell me about this women and have I perhaps met her before." John said excitedly. "Well for starters he isn't a women sorry if that surprises you and it so happens it's the math professor you met the one time on the train when you were suspected of a murder." Sherlock replied. " oh it's that Moriarty fellow can't say I'm surprised you did seem rather fond of him I do say he seemed rather charming and quite frankly the complete opposite from you. So what exactly do you like about him?" John asked. He soon regretted asking that question as Sherlock went on and on about all the things he likes about the scarlet eyed professor.

       Sorry for making the first part so short I plan to post short parts like this daily.

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