Meeting Mrs.Hudson

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       Sherlock and William soon arrive back at the flat an angry Mrs. Hudson waits for them at them at the door. "Sherlock where were you, me and John were worried sick!"Mrs.Hudson yells. "My apologies he was out running some errands with me I apologize for taking this long." William apologizes. Mrs. Hudson looks at the man in front of her admiring how elegant and refined he looks. "This must be the man John told me about i wish Sherlock would learn a thing or more from him." She thought.  "Oh it's alright why don't you and Sherlock just head inside then." Mrs.Hudson invites them in. "Thanks again Mrs. Hudson." William thanks her. "It was my pleasure it was also nice to finally meet you, Professor Moriarty right." She says hoping she didn't get his name wrong. "That's me alright I teach at the university in Durham you should stop by sometime." William says. "Well thanks for the offer I'll be sure to take you up on it and I'll drag Sherlock and John with me." She says laughing a little. "Oh look at the time I promised Bond I would go get drinks with him, I'm terribly sorry but I have to go, it was a pleasure meeting you professor ." Mrs Hudson says as she starts to leave. "The pleasure is all mine." William says smiling.

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