"Just a cough" (F)

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Enid pov:

I woke up at around 6 this morning, usually Wednesday would be awake but she was still asleep. I decide to get ready as classes were starting at seven thirty.

I started getting worried when Wednesday still had not woken up. I sat next to her and gently shook her. She sat up, groggily rubbing her eyes "hey Wednesday, are you alright?"

"Perfectly fine enid, I should get re-" she was interrupted by a series of coughs. "You are not perfectly fine, you're staying her until you get better."

I was about to leave when she took hold of my arm "stay.." she was avoiding eye contact but i smiled and sat down next to her, "ok, let me first go get you some medicine and an ice pack alright?" She gave me a small nod.

I quickly left to the nurses office, on the way I met up with Yoko. "Hey Enid!! Whats got you in such a hurry?" She said as she walked with me. "Wednesday's sick. Im getting her some things, could you tell the professor's me and Willa won't be present?"

"Ooo, haha sure" she walked off to her next class, I hurriedly got the medicine and in no time i was back with Wens.

I fed her the medicine and wrapped a ice package around her head. I was about to go and watch tiktoks on my bed when Wednesday spoke "Enid.. can you.. can you stay here with me?" She was either having a fever or blushing super hard. I chuckled as i climbed into bed next to her, spooning her.

I pet her head as she fell asleep in my arms and soon i was out too.

I woke up the next morning with my head in Wednesday's chest and her arms around my head. I pulled her closer as she woke up. "Feeling better Willa?" "Much better mon chere" she kissed my head.


:') How i strive to have this.

400 words :)

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