Eagle of Knights Chp10

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**You became the oceans, and drowning became the one thing I desired**

Maghrib was soon approaching, and Badr had not felt this drained in the past seven moons; it felt as if the wind clawed at his brain. Badr stood there on the top of the cliff and watched as Faris wrapped his hand around Shouq's palm and walked up to where Badr stood with Khalid, Jabber, and Abdulrahman, the elderly sheik of the Rashideen masjid.

When Khalid arrived, he was bewildered, his eyes shooting from Faris to Shouq and then Badr again. Badr had to explain everything to his sibling, Shoug's demand, Faris's needed presence, and his unwanted verdict. Once all was clear, Khalid had merely nodded his head, agreeing that Faris and Badr were indeed out of choice. Badr inhaled and moved his gaze to Shoug, and when his gaze landed on her, he could feel the scattered clouds veiling the sun. Her eyes seemed like glass, clear: just like a serene lake before a wind ruffled the water. She was calm: at last.

"Faris, I wish to speak with Shoug before we finalize this," Badr asked for permission, his eyes still on the woman who denied meeting his gaze Shoug stared ahead at something he could not see.

Faris glanced at his sister, unwrapped his fingers from hers, and moved away. The rest of the men followed Faris as he moved a few feet from them, keeping both Shoug and Badr in sight.

The scattered clouds moved away from the sun as it pushed them to peer at the Eagle of Knights. The right side of the sky turned a shade of purple with blue dripping like honey from it: on the left, the sky was radiant orange, dipped in the light of the sun.

Badr did not look over his shoulder, he knew Faris stood at a distance where no one would overhear their conversation, but at the same time, he and Shoug were in plain sight of the knight of knights.

The sun descended lower, and Badr took a single step towards Shoug. "Shoug." He pronounced, his voice a whisper, but it was so loud that the wind shivered.

The crescent shimmered in the murky sky like a jewel accompanied by a single star as a companion. Shoug moved her eyes from the world only she could see and met Badr's gaze.

"I need you to comprehend the graveness of our situation. I know you mourn Gaith. He was my brother, my friend, but if, "Badr clenched his fist, Shoug's gaze landed on it. "We accede to this: there is no turning back. We do not have our elder's blessings: I do not want to become your shield without Sheikh Mubarak's knowledge."

She looked at him, and for the first time since she had arrived, Badr knew Shoug saw him only at that moment. "I understand."

"You need to contemplate more on it, ya Shoug. Once I have your hand, I cannot promise you a home or a stable tribe. I cannot vow you a happy family. I walk on a path of catastrophe, and someday I shall perish in that path."

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