Cigarettes. [Jotaro/Reader]

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p o v - You two bonded over cigarettes. Yes, you heard me, cigarettes. A cute little thing where youre smart and Jotaro likes you because of that n stuff n stuff shut up its cute.

--Sitting at a bus stop, you cursed. The cold rain had your freezing to the bone. "Why did I have to do this to myself? This shit sucks.." You grumbled, watching your cold breath dissipate in front of you. Numbingly freezing tears ran down your face, making you feel even worse than before. Curling up on the wet bench, you wondered how late this bus could possibly be. Your watch beeped, making you glance at it. 40 minutes past school begun. "Fuck..." Y/N L/N. The biggest goody two shoes in high school. Never late, always had amazing grades, and even when to cram school when not needed. Of course however, it was bound to happen one day. You had gotten up a few minutes past when you normally did, but nothing was thought of it. Until you were truly late. You knew the consequences of messing up a carefully built schedule, and this was you karma for breaking that. On top of all of the 'being late' mess, the bus must have been canceled. "So now, I can only walk home. And of course, catch a deadly cold." You half joked, shivering in your soaked uniform. This sucks. The only thing good was the clear cover over the bench that gave you a little bit of help from the rain.

--Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted someone. Ah, Kujo Jotaro, your schools biggest delinquent.. Ever. An old friend in the younger days... And, someone you've caught yourself staring at more than once. You blinked the tears out of your eyes, not that it would make a difference. Your eyes burned, and you knew they were red. You watched as the came and sat beside you, looking as soaked as you were. However, Jotaro seemed unaffected. He was quite big, so of course it would be harder to make him feel too much of the rain. Turning your attention to the ground, you felt the tears prickling your eyes again.

--" ...Why are you late? " Jotaro's voice startled you, making your body jump a little. You stared at him, and it almost looked like he was concerned. "I said, why are you late? Don't make me ask again." He growled, seeming to get annoyed fast. Why the sudden interest in talking to you though? "I-I...Got up too late.. and it messed up my schedule." You mumbled, hoping your voice would be shielded by the loud rain. "Surprising." Jotaro hummed. You faced away from him, embarrassment flooding your mind. More silence. Soft ringing and the sounds of the rain wavering from soft to loud filled your ears for a good 2 minutes. Your nose itched a little. Sniffing the air with your stuffy nose, you recognized something. Tobacco. You whipped your head around, and saw Jotaro with a cigarette in his mouth. You watched as his eyebrows furrowed at the familiar taste, not seemed to enjoy it too much, but enough to tolerate. "Got a staring problem, bitch?" He hissed. You flinched. The aggressiveness in his eyes wavered at that.

--You looked at the wet concrete below you. But then, a sudden thought came to your mind. Yes, you used to smoke a little...In your first year. You quit to focus on school, but...It wouldn't hurt. 'To relieve some stress..Yeah.' You thought. "Hey, K-Kujo-san? Do you hhhave an extra cigarette?" You knew that shivering caused you to slur your words and stutter, however you let it run off you like the rain. Now he seemed to be startled. Jotaro looked at you with curiosity before pulling his hat over his eyes. "Good grief." He took out a box of cigarettes, and before you knew it, you had it in your mouth. What? How did- never mind. At least it was lit. You took a deep inhale, and a fuzzy warmth enveloped you. God, how you missed this. You exhaled calmly, instead of going into a coughing fit like a first timer, which made Jotaro simply stare. "What? Why aaare you l-looking at me like th-that?" You giggled, however a sneeze came soon after. " didn't know I s-smoked.." Giggling even more, you brushed off the stuttering from your shivering once more.

--Jotaro took notice however, his eyebrows furrowed further. He pulled you closer to him, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around your shivering body. You blushed a mad red, looking up at him to speak with cigarette in hand. He covered his eyes with his hat once again. "Say anything and I'll take it back." He grumbled, before pulling you up into his arms, bridal style of course, and half sprinting down a street you didn't recognize. Your cigarette fell out of your hand sometime when he picked you up... You didn't need it all that much anyway. 'It was bad for me.' You thought, blocking out a few other thoughts. Mostly about how the hell this happened.  "I'm taking you to my house. I'll gladly leave you here if you bother me too much though." Your blush never faded. Why was he doing this? Taking so much care of you, despite barley being acquaintances? I mean, you two sort of knew each other, working on a few projects together in junior high, but nothing too special right? 'Then again..back when we were smaller, he was pretty sweet to me. We even drew dolphins together!..Maybe this will be like old times.' Your lips turned up in a smile at the memory. "..T-thanks Kujo-san." You whispered, and you swore there was a small smile on his face as you both arrived at his house. "Hey.. Jotaro-san? Why did you give me a cigarette instead of yelling..or ignoring me?" You softly spoke, the rain calming a little as you did so. He stared at you for a second, before pulling his hat down..somehow.

"Good grief, woman."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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