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Chapter Seven: Going to Class is a Thing

"Come on, Jimmy, we only have a week left until Thanksgiving break. You need to pull your grades up. We're going to all of our classes today and we're going to study for our freaking tests tomorrow."

I groaned and pushed myself into a vague sitting position. Ran my hand through my  curly bed head. Smacked my thick lips together. Blearily looked at Sammy who sat on the edge of my bed.

"Bro, what the fuck?" I know I must sound like an idiot, but cut me some serious slack, it was seven in the morning. I didn't crash until like two. We were editing until midnight, then partying. I was grateful the girl was gone from my bed, but glancing over at Jeremy's side of the room, it seemed that his girl stayed the night. All I saw was her naked ass with Jeremy's hand on one cheek.

I stared at them for a second, my stomach crazy unhappy. Obviously he wasn't making it to class today.

"Do I need to throw up?" I asked Sammy, my head pounding.

He laughed. "No bruh, you already did that last night. Thankfully in the toilet."

I had an extremely vague recollection of barfing my brains out, and someone's hand patting my back, helping wash my face. Doubtful it was Kenny. I blinked sleepily at the boy on my bed, and wondered with extreme embarrassment, if it was him. I hoped it was Jeremy.

Not because of...whatever...but because I was embarrassed for Sammy to keep seeing me this way. I mean, he lived with us, so it was shoved up in his face practically every day, and I know he doesn't approve. He's stopped nagging, but I know what he's thinking.

"Can you get vertical enough to take a shower? I made coffee." He brushed a big chunk of hair out of my face, then stood up quickly, looking out the window.

"Carry me?" I held out my arms.

"Fuck you, you big baby," he growled. But he took my hands and pulled me up. I guess I really wasn't ready to be on my feet because I stumbled. He took my weight barely, his arms around me. Even though I basically almost knocked him down, and even though I still couldn't quite stand up, I held onto him. He was warm and soft. I put my face in the crook of his neck.

"You smell nice," I was still half asleep and hung over. "So nice, Sammy."

"Get off me, Jimmy." This time his voice sounded serious, he wasn't playing around. Reluctantly I let go, took one last sad look at Jeremy's bed, and shuffled past Sammy and towards the shower.

A half hour later I felt more like a human being. I wrapped a towel around my waist, not bothering to dry off. I could hear Kenny singing in the kitchen. He was such a dumbass that way. I'd found out, living with him, that it didn't matter what happened the night before, he was almost always fine the next morning.


I opened the door to my room, and stopped. Eye to eye with Jeremy. The girl was face down on his dick, her ass still in the air. His eyes were blown (sorry) wide, almost black, his lips wet and swollen, his naked chest heaving.

We looked at each other for probably no more than five seconds, but it felt like an eternity. I turned back around and closed the door, ignoring him saying my name, telling me to wait.

I walked quickly into Sammy and Kenny's room and sat on Sammy's already made bed. Then stood up, realizing I was dripping onto his blankets. Put my hand through my wet hair. Trying to ignore the way I felt, seeing my best friend like that, trying to smush all of those feelings into a horrible little ball that I could pretend didn't exist.

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