Prologue Age 14

60 2 2

Cara Knight

I couldn't breathe.My legs started kicking vigorously at their own accord and my hands struggled to free the tight grip someone had on my neck, holding me underwater. My lungs were starting to give up and just like that the hand loosened its grip on my neck and I jerked my head to the surface of my bathtub, desperate for oxygen as I started coughing out the water that went up my nose. I slowly screwed my eyes open at a loud voice, "Shut the fuck up bitch, or are you already ready for round two." My eyes went wide as I struggled to cover my exposed body. The sound of another man made me whip my head to the other side. He looked like a middle aged man, roughly the same age as my father. He had cold blue eyes, a lean built, a stubble that looked like it was kept intact and an aura which screamed money. So, what was he doing here? He masked the most evil grin on his face and shamelessly stared at my exposed breasts. Itleast what was visible after my failed attempt to cover them with my hands. "Now, now. Sergei" he tutted again. "We wouldn't want to kill her before having some fun, now would we?" . He grinned. The other man, Sergei, stared at what looked like his boss and masked an evil grin himself. "you're right sir, I think we should keep her. We can all get a chance. What do you think?. We did manage to kill the scum and his psychotic wife. consider her our payment in full." My stomach dropped. Oh god no. no. no. no. no. "father?" I crocked. My voice sounding hoarse and teary.Sergei snickered and put both of his large, rough, palms on my cheeks forcing my face to compress and lips to part. The older man, leaned forward and traced his thumb over the outline of my bottom lip, making me shiver under his touch . If i could flinch I would but I couldn't. I couldn't even move. The feeling of not knowing what to do is the worst. My Father taught me if we don't know what to do, we need to act like we do. You will never look weak, and right now I looked so weak, he would be disappointed. The memories of him made me inhale a slow breath and all the tears gathered up in my eyes, gently cascaded down to my chin. The man  slowly pushed his thumb through my slightly parted lips, parting them further and sinking his thumb into my mouth. I made a muffled voice that seemed to displease him from the look on his face. But he didn't retract his thumb if anything he pushed it further inside. I struggled with my hands behind my back, desperately searching for something, anything to save myself. And I did. I found the small hand shower that was strapped to my bathtub. I wrapped my hands around it tightly and lifted it up as fast as I could, but I was too slow. Sergei wasted no time removing his palms from my face and wrapping it around my wrists instead. The older man let his thumb slip out of my mouth with an audible pop as he took one step back looking slightly agitated yet his eyes shined with newfound lust. "Easy little girl" He chuckled as I struggled to free my wrists from Sergeis clutch. "Don't touch me, Don't you fucking dare touch me" I yelled, my voice breaking with pain. He chucked again. I could feel the bile rising up in my throat. "Your annoying damned voice" he whisper groaned, "It should be put to better use, little girl." I froze, shutting my mouth. Sergei gave his boss an amused smile as he turned his gaze back to me. I opened my mouth and let all the bile flow out of it and onto the floor.
"Fucking cunt" Sergei cursed as he retracted his hand so fast and slapped me hard across the face. I whimpered, the sting worst than I ever imagined. The older man used the heel of his boot to kick me in my naked ribs as I fell onto the cold, marble floor in a thud that made me partially start seeing black. Sergei reached down to one of my tits and squeezed it so tightly I gasped with pain. He let out a pleased groan and used his other hand to cup the small bulge in his trousers. As he tried unbuttoning them the older man cut in. "Not now Sergei. Not here." He whispered. could there be someone else here? The thought made me scream louder than ever. I screamed for someone to help me. Anyone to hear me. Save me. Check if my parents were okay. Check if anything from this day onwards would be okay in my life. deep down I knew my answer. but I clutched onto that hope. It's the one thing my father believed in more than ever. Sergei cursed under his breath and whispered an apology to his boss. He let go of my breast and wrapped my hair around his fist instead as he dragged me across the room. My naked body made contact with the marble floors and the friction made my skin burn in agony as much as the pain from the harsh grip on my scalp, making it more unbearable. My screams for help dwindled and the last thing I could recall is being dragged into a vehicle and tied in a way I couldn't feel my limbs.

Hey guys! this is just the first glimpse to what this book has in store for you! I know it's just a bit and I promise you the first three chapters very soon. I would love your comments and feedback and this is a reminder that this is just the beginning. There's hellfire to come❤️‍🔥


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