New Year's Special- Clouds, Ink, And Strings

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(A/N This contains spoiler alerts for an unpublished book, but it's not the actual plot. It's an AU. You can get to know the new characters a bit. No hate for my characters, for they are like my childs. Srry if this is short, but I'm currently having a cold. Oh, and enjoy the music :D T.W. There is also an unknown language, just google translate it. if that doesn't help, eh di bahala na kayo >:P)

"Go, go, go, go, gogogogogogogo!" She yelled bolting around a corner. "DOWNSTAIRS NOW, RUN!" He shouted. Don't look back, don't look back, don't- But yet, look back she did. She saw it advancing, and he was running for his life. She took a sharp intake of breath and started sprinting towards the basement. Hopefully, they may escape whatever terror unleashed in the rented vacation house. She burst through the door, and grabbed him by the shirt, then locked the door. At least they were safe, and she was unharmed... "Look around, it's gotta be in here somewhere..." She whispered. He then pointed to the torch and made a pulling action. She nodded and pulled it. A hidden door opened, and they got a view of freedom. Then, he realized something. "Where's Diamond?" He asked. She shrugged, then two white ears popped out from a carton. "C'mere girl, we're leaving." He whistled, and she then went to him, purring. He picked her up when the basement door burst open. "You think you can hide... From me?" A violent blow struck him on the head, and he blacked out.

Ultramarine particles swirled around the room, blocking us from our only means of escape. The particles violently spun around and became blobs of ink before disconnecting, and continuing their journey again. I looked around, but I was alone. Alone in the blue. The endless void of blue. I felt abandoned and solitary. Around and around the room they swirled, in a never-ending cycle. Into blobs, disappear into the mist, and a new batch comes. Again and again and again. But the worst part was that it was just silent. I couldn't hear the wind whirling, nor whatever the blobs sound like. Not even my breath. One minute. Two, three, four. I heard whispers that I could not interpret. Five, six, seven, eight. They were telling me secrets about someone, but they won't tell me the name. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve. I was sure I was going insane. I lay down on the floor and listened more- Then I heard him shouting for me. "BROOKLYN!"  I suddenly sat up and yelled back. "LYRON, I'M NEAR THE BASEMENT DOOR!" I heard squelching and finally saw him. I ran towards him and hugged him.

"Where's Diamond?" I asked after he let go. He looked alarmed and looked around. "I'll get her, just wait." He turned around to leave, but I grabbed his wrist. "No. You're staying with me. Please." He looked at me as if reconsidering his actions but then looked away. "I'm sorry. I'll come back. That's a promise." I slowly let go of him and nodded. He loved Diamond. I gave her to him on his 17th birthday, and they have been inseparable ever since. As I watched his shadow slowly fade into the mist-blob-ink particles, I sighed and sat down again. Then I began to think. How to live, how to love, how to laugh, and how to lose. The four great L's. Then, I remembered a question that plagued my mind, ever since my childhood.

If fate and destiny were humans, what would they be like? I've always pictured fate and destiny differently. Not as circumstances, or synonyms, but as different entities, with different characters, likes, dislikes, etc. Fate was more focused on the emotional and mental outcome, like love, friends, character, etc. Destiny, however, favors the temporal outcome. Finance, status, fame, he was the boss of 'em. While they are the most known, there are smaller, less-known entities, deities, and others, carrying out the higher-up's wishes. It wasn't Fate or Destiny who were the bosses. It was someone else completely. I called him, "The Planner." Destiny and Fate were just his generals, lieutenants, and secretaries, carrying out his orders, and knowing most of his plans(Though he lets them play their cards a lot). I wonder, what plans do they have for me?

My mind drifted from one thought to another, until I stumbled on a faint memory, from four years ago. It was when I was 10 years old, just a year after we moved from the countryside to Washington Park. I was strolling through the park on a breezy summer day when I caught the faint sound of strumming nearby. I followed it, and it led me to a secluded spot in the park. No one goes to the clearing near the abandoned shed, and the guitar player took advantage of that. According to his speed and way of playing, I guessed he was a beginner. He turned around, and yes. He was Harmon. From that moment forward, we were inseparable. And thus, the story of Chordia & Harmon began. (Chordia was my nickname.) I remembered how happy he was when he played "Steve" by Alec Benjamin for me. It had a wonderful story, with a side of a valuable life lesson, and a dash of amazing tune, which made me fall in love with it. And to this day, it remains one of my favorite songs. "He said I shouldn't lie, you should not go to that tree, the serpent knows the apple grows from a forbidden seed- Oh, you want what you can't have, but you've got all the things you need- There was Adam, there was Eve, and there was Steve... Oh Adam, don't be fooled by the snake! Don't give in to the taste, oh, what a waste~ To have everything and give it all away..." I quietly sang aloud. I let my voice resonate through the particles, and soon enough, the whispers were at it again. Not only were they telling me secrets, but telling me about how similar I was to her. It was getting unbearable when they abruptly stopped, and I was left with silence. Just silence.

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