Q&A 2!

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So. I have been walking around and asking questions in my head again. And I have also been asking my friends for whatever comes to their mind. So, to satisfy the waiting time for MOTLK(which only has 246 views and 14 votes- please library-add and share: DD), here is another Q&A for y'all!

From AestheticBoba_1ooo

What are some tips you can give to other writers?


Well, that's kinda hard. Every one of us has our unique writing style, so I really can't say. But, uh, maybe add some description, and character thoughts, and animate the dialogue, if you get what I mean. Other than that, write in the way that suits you most! If you force yourself to write in a way that makes it stressful for you, the intended outcome won't be so chispy(nice and smooth finish).

Thanks btw, I needed that ;P

From Keikei

1. What inspired you? 

2. How are you today? 

3. Where did Carl go? Where did he go when he went through that portal?


1. Well, if you didn't read what I wrote before, then I suggest you do. But, uh, since MOTLK used to be a fanfic, I used details from both my imagination and the fandom it belonged to. Some characters were too nostalgic for me that I kept them the way they were... But now, I get inspiration from where I go, what I read, and the environment around me. And also my imagination(I have a lot of it, heh).

2. I'm doing pretty well, actually. Just school and stuff, you know. Yeah...

3. He went back in time, to the start of the 15th century. Read the preview of MOTLK ^o^

From me to me:

Has anything interesting happened to you?


Well... My parents made me drink beer which they thought was carbonated lemon juice. It tasted horrible. Second, I accidentally ate rum chocolate and tasted brandy in another chocolate. I don't know how I got them. But they tasted spicy and bad. Note to self: Check the labels of drinks and food. I also went to Italy last week. It was fun(food and stuff), but also COLD. It was beautiful, though! The sun doesn't set until eight(PM), too. It was really, really cool.

Q: What are some fun facts about MOTLK characters?

Oh, cool. Well, here.

Wolfy: Used to have paranoia and has slight SPD.

Bee: Likes doodling a lot and also likes designing.

Carl: He adores obstacle courses and is very flexible.

Darrek: He loves flowers- He knows floriography, very well.

Alex: Mans can talk to animals- He's a big softie, under the warrior's stature.

Nath: Poor guy is very, very forgetful, so he can be kinda naive and trustful at times.

Theo: He has a skill in baking. Especially desserts.

Darryl: He's an amazing dancer, and a metalworker as well.

Nicolas: Bro can sew, embroider, crochet, knit, all fabric art, he can do it. 

Flax: Can live in the wild- He's an amazing tracker and hunter.

Xav8D/Xavier: He can play a lot of instruments, like Wolfy. He's quite talented in literary arts.

Phil: Used to take care of a barn, so he has a lot of training with animals. Also is good at medics.

Terry: Woodcarving. It's a guilty pleasure of his.

Della: Alright, this girl can aim pretty well. She's talented. Arrow, spear, dagger, ninja stars- You name it, she throws it. 

William: No, he can't do a smidge of musical art. He sucks at it. But, he is quite a mathematician.

Cara: She has ASPD, which makes her very antisociable and grumpy. But she's a very level-headed woman and aspires to be the best, only for Johnathan.

Johnathan: He... He has issues. WE ALL KNOW THAT- Did you know that he is a master glassworker?

And for the characters that aren't from Wolfy's timeline:

Payton: Dude can't dance for his life. He has two left feet. But, he is very quick. Man's the fastest out of them.

Ann: She's brainy. And she's cunning. Don't cross her, or you'll find some rather... Interesting things in your way.

Lestor: Self-proclaimed metalworker and overly flirty friend. He's a sweet-talker and will talk his way out of trouble.

Nico: He may seem like the quiet, scary, emo kid, but he can paint pretty well. He usually paints animals and nature. 

Phoebe: Her family takes care of a ranch, and she handles the colts and is learning how to take care of birthing mares.

Tyler: Loves children. He's the best babysitter, ever. You give a child to him and he's attached already.

Wyatt: He's an extroverted, sunny kid. He can sing, and dance, and is talented in medical arts as well.

Finn: Okay, so he's a pansy. He can be buff and tough and everything, but he's a big, whole softie under there. The funny thing is, he doesn't paint. He fashions. Like, mans got the whole shop and everything.

Harper: She's like, the makeup and hairdressing queen. Her parents run a beauty salon, complete with hairdressing, spa, makeup, pedicures, and also for the men- Yeah. She's riiich. And she's not the only one. Ann, Nico, Phoebe, and Harper- They fund the group on their crazy adventures.

Nix: She's a well-rounded kid. She can sing, compose, write, can play a few sports, etc. She's a smart one- When she's thinking. She's sneaky as well.

And the mysterious woman: Well, there's nothing much to be said about her. She's mysterious.

From DynaDownFall

Why do you write? Like, what is your motivation? How'd you get in writing in the first place?

A: Well, even as a child, I've always been drawn to writing. It was only in the fourth grade that I realized I could create my own stories. My motivation? Well, I dunno. I just want to polish my skills, so that I could maybe publish this book in the future. My best friend's already working on their book, so maybe I got motivated by that(nah I totally did). It's hard to explain why I like writing, but there's this sorta... Feeling I get when I write out my ideas, when I see people read my work, when I finish a chapter or something. It's fulfilling.  I hope that answered your question :D


Psyche, OUT!

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