Chapter 1

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He was large and had never felt more confident as he walked through the halls of Cumpiss Academy. With his stature being 4'11'' and 290 pounds, how could he not be? He was strong and independent. He was full of the power of assertion. Drive leaked from his body. He was the most attractive person he knew. He was the strongest person he knew. He was the best person he knew. Not in a selfish way, but kind of a self love way. His name was Desimus. He also went by Des. Love was a weird word for him. It was always hard for him to understand. His sexuality however was easy to understand. He was asexual. If you were unaware, asexuality is when someone doesn't feel sexual attraction to someone else. Which didn't mean he couldn't have romantic relationships, right? Wrong. He was also aromantic. Which meant he had no desire for romantic relationships. He was a tough book to read in other words. He had never been fond of people. Which was why he chose to be this way sexually and romantically. He had always preferred to be alone. He mostly stuck to himself during the past three years of school, and now he was in his senior year of highschool with only a handful of friends. They were the only ones who understood him, but even then he preferred to be alone. He was most comfortable when he was alone.

So there he sat in the lunchroom, alone, writing Star Wars fanfiction in his journal. He was a big Star Wars nerd, and I mean HUGE(and that wasn't just a fat joke). He loved Star Wars. As people walked past him he scoffed. They didn't know the genius that was leaving his brain and transferring to the page in front of him. He hated that people didn't know about the beauty that laid in his head. But he knew that if he were to ever show anyone his masterpiece, their simple minds wouldn't be able to comprehend. Whatever. He'd keep it to himself for now. People kept passing him by, and then he saw him. His mullet blew behind him as he walked with his head held high. His face was framed by a beautiful goatee. His stylish Star Wars hat sat upon his head so nicely, like it was made to fit his skull. He was gorgeous. Remember how we talked about Des' sexuality? Well that's why love was so confusing to him. He was an ace aro, but there was one person who made him feel different. One person whom he didn't despise or hate. One person that made him feel something in his deep, complex heart. His name was Quincy Gallup. 


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