Chapter 4

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The rest of the week went by incredibly slow. Everywhere Des went, Quincy and Derrick were there, showing their disgusting PDA. It made Des physically sick. Finally, it was Friday afternoon. Desimus plopped down on his bed with a sigh, causing his voluptuous dumptruck to jiggle. He couldn't wait until he graduated. Then he wouldn't have to face Quincy ever again. Suddenly his phone buzzed. He picked up his phone to see that he had a message from one of his friends, Tony.

Tony: Heyy Des, there's a party going on tonight at Brittany's house, you should totally come!!

Des: IDK, I'm not really feeling it tonight..

Tony: C'mon man, you haven't been out of the house in ages! Besides, the gang really misses you!

Des looked at the message. What Tony was saying was true, the only time he left the house was to go to school or to get his special sandwich from firehouse subs. As he was thinking, another message came in.

Tony: I know why you're feeling down today. I saw it too, and I think that coming to this party is the perfect remedy. There's gonna be plenty of alcohol....

Well that was all Des needed to hear.

Des: Give me the address, I'll be there asap.

Des pulled up to Brittany's house on his decked up razor scooter. He hopped off and his booty rippled. Tony was standing on the porch, and he looked up as he saw Des approach the house.

"Hey man!" He yelled over the music."Glad you could make it!"

"Yeah yeah," Des grumbled. "Where's the alcohol?"

Tony chuckled. "Straight to the point. It's on a table down the hall."

"Thanks." Des said, pushing past Tony and entering the house. Normally he would feel bad for treating one of his friends so poorly, but it had been a long week, and all he wanted to do right now was get absolutely wasted. He quickly found the drink table and poured a cup of the strongest alcohol he could find, downing it all in one gulp. He did this cup after cup, and he quickly felt a buzz developing in his body. Eventually he slowed down so that he could still remember the evening, and once he felt a steady buzz throughout his whole body, he hit the dance floor. He quickly decimated everyone with his gigantic juicy booty, and everyone was hypnotised by it. Soon, Brittany entered the room.

"Daaaang, you're really going down Des!" She said. "I think that we should have a twerk-off!!!!"

Everyone else cheered.

"Who should be the other contestant?" Brittany yelled into the crowd. Everyone was jumping around, trying to nominate themselves, when Tony walked up to her and whispered something into her ear. Brittany grinned and jumped up and down, clapping her hands.

"What a great idea!" Brittany yelled and turned towards the crowd. "The other contestant will be...Quincy Gallop!!!"

The crowd cheered as a spotlight zeroed in on Quincy, who was busy violently making out with Derrick in a corner. He shyly walked up next to Brittany as she gave him a thong and a bottle of oil, and one of Brittany's friends, Gwen, gave Des the same things.

"You'll have five minutes to get ready, and then you'll come back out to the dance floor." Brittany announced. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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