Chapter 3

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Desimus sat down heavily in his chair, letting out a sigh. Monday mornings were always the worst. During the weekends, he was able to seclude himself in his room and devote himself completely to his story. He was able to pretend that nothing ever went wrong, and that he and Quincy were still best friends. At school, he wasn't able to. He was constantly surrounded by inferior idiots who didn't know how the world really worked, and to make it worse he didn't have Quincy to make it better. He had to suffer through the week by himself. He pulled out his journal and worked on his fanfiction as his classmates trickled into the classroom, talking about dumb stupid things.

'They're all such idiots.' Des thought as he rolled his eyes. Suddenly, something caught his eye. He looked towards the doorway and saw Quincy standing there, talking to someone out of sight. Des' cold, black heart melted a little at the sight of him.

'He looks gorgeous.' Des thought. His eyes travelled every inch of his delectable body. His Star Wars hat was slightly tilted on his head. Des wanted so desperately to fix it, but he knew that if he approached Quincy, he would run away, just like he always did. So instead he stayed in his seat and watched his old friend talk. Suddenly, his archnemesis Derrick Tonks walked up to Quincy. Des glared daggers at him. If looks could kill, Derrick would be on the ground in a bunch of little pieces. You may be wondering why Des hated Derrick with such ferocity. Well, he hated him so much because once Quincy started avoiding Des, Derrick quickly took Des' spot as Quincy's best friend. Des watched as Quincy and Derrick talked. Suddenly Derrick got really close to Quincy. Des could see Quincy flush a bright red. And then, the unthinkable happened.

Derrick kissed him.

Des' mouth dropped in surprise, and then the surprise quickly turned into anger. An intense, raging anger. Des clenched his #2 pencil so hard, it broke in half. Des growled as he gathered his stuff and stormed out the door, throwing his destroyed pencil in the trash. He stormed past the two as they were still kissing, and as he rushed past, Derrick made eye contact with him. A smug look flashed in his eyes before he turned his attention back to Quincy and deepened the kiss. All Des could see was red as he ran towards the mens bathroom, his ginormous dumpy fluctuating with each step he took. When he got to the bathroom, he slammed his bag onto the ground and grasped the sink with all his strength. He panted angrily as he stared down at the sink, ignoring the people that rushed out of the bathroom. All he could see was red. He took deep breaths as he attempted to calm down, but it didn't seem to be working. All he walked to do was beat that little jerk Derrick Tonks to a pulp. Suddenly, he heard a crack. He looked at the sink to see cracks where his hands were. He let out a shaky sigh as he let go of the sink, clenching his hands into fists. He had to calm down before he destroyed another sink. He leaned against the wall and sank to the floor as he let out shaky sobs. Why would Quincy kiss Derrick but not him?? He had known him for way longer than that greasy, anime loving, pen stealing sicko!! Why, why wouldn't Quincy kiss him!!!

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