twenty eight, moths

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real life !

even though natalia and matt were on good terms, nat was still very nervous about having him over. she knew that there was only a slim chance that they would have to spend time alone together.

but it didn't matter how many times she told herself that, the butterflies in her stomach would not calm down.

actually, they weren't butterflies. butterflies are pretty. when you have butterflies, it's a good kind of nervous. almost excitement.

this feeling was anxiety. butterflies don't cause a sinking feeling in your stomach. such a dreadful feeling can only be caused by moths.

maya had told natalia that they were just butterflies, in an attempt to calm her down. maybe you're just really excited, maya had said.

so for the past hour, natalia had been repeating that to herself. telling herself they were butterflies. hoping to somehow gaslight her subconscious self into actually being excited. trying to manifest, as some people would call it.

unfortunately, the only thing she was manifesting was more butterflies.


over at the sturniolos', matt was having the same problem. i guess the moth-y feeling was in the air.

he had felt it for a while. it having started right before johnny's show and never ending. he had to have known it had to do with natalia. he tried not to think about it though, knowing that all the things he was feeling, no matter how bad, were all his own fault.

so, as he fixed his hair in his bathroom mirror, he tried to push the moths as far down as possible. he told himself he would deal with it later. 

later hopefully being never.

imessage !


we're otw


natalia prayed that the moths would leave before the boys got there.

DEV'S WORDS / omg it's been over a month since i updated and i feel so bad about it. this is also a short chapter because i just had to update at least once this month january. this book is currently at 68.7K READS UM THATS CRAZY!!! I APPRECIATE IT SM. thanks so much for reading. have a good day or night, i love you guys so much xx.

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