thirty five, get me sick

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real life !

natalia was in the kitchen making herself something to eat when maya came out of her room for the first time that day. 

"hey, nat," maya smiled.


"what're you making," maya looked over nat's shoulder as she stood at the stove.

"mac and cheese, you want some?"

"um, yeah?" maya walked over to the kitchen island and hoisted herself onto the counter.

"how're you feeling?" nat asked the girl. 

"i'm okay. still sick but getting better." maya gave the girl a thumbs up though she couldn't see her, nat was still facing the stove.

"well, you better stay away from me because i hate being sick."

"as opposed to what? liking being sick?" maya laughed.

"i mean, sure. some people are weird." nat shrugged. she turned around to face maya. "do you need anything? like water or medicine or something."

"i need to talk to you about yesterday. i wanted to talk to you when you got home but i fell asleep."

"too bad. i actually forgot everything that happened overnight. you should've asked me then," nat shrugged. 

"bitch the only reason i fell asleep is because i'm fucking sick. so you have to tell me."

"fine." nat rolled her eyes. "nothing even happened though. we just went to the movies, that's it."

"was it awkward?" maya started, "was he a gentleman? did he like the movie? cause i think it would be a red flag if he didn't. did he hold the door open for you? did he pay or did you?"

"how am i supposed to answer any questions if you don't give me time between them?" nat interrupted her.

"i'm giving you time now. go ahead."

"okay, well it wasn't awkward actually. well mostly."

"what do you mean mostly?" maya made a weird face.

"i mean like, he did open doors for me. and like that's obviously a good thing but then it would get kinda awkward. like i would look at him cause like he held the door open for me, and like i would pause."

"swooning over the bare minimum," maya rolled her eyes.

"and he paid. for like everything. i literally insisted i paid because i wanted to go to the movies in the first place but he wouldn't let me.

"and then that would make me awkward because like he's literally the best guy ever. like i expect nothing less but also like- god." nat covered her face with her hands.

"mmm," maya nodded her head, taking in the information.

"and he really liked the movie. i saw some girls on tiktok talking about their guy friends being weird about it and saying it was stupid but matt didn't."

"was it because he actually liked it or because he knows how you are about stuff like that?"

"no i think he actually liked it." nat smiled. "but it could've just been cause it had margot robbie in it."

"that's so real. i know i'd watch it just because margot robbie's in it."

"you should watch it, i think you'd like it." nat nodded, going back to the stove to finish making the mac and cheese.

"yeah?" maya hopped down from the counter and opened the fridge. she grabbed herself a water.

"yeah. it was actually super good." nat moved to one of the cabinets and grabbed three bowls. 

she distributed the mac and cheese between the three bowls and handed one to maya.

"thank you, you're the best." maya smiled.

"yeah i know, now get away from me before you get me sick," nat pushed maya towards her room before going into the living room. 

she handed the third bowl to matteo on the couch and sat down next to him. 

"thanks," matteo said.


📦 dev's words !
i actually haven't seen
the barbie movie yet
which is crazy since
i'm writing these

also a lil birthday post for the triplets 
our sweet boys aren't teenagers anymore :(
i'm so proud of them and how far they've come

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