thirty eight, too late for that

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real life !

as nat pulled away from the kiss she looked at matt, smiling.

"i don't want to get you sick," nat whispered.

"i think it's too late for that," matt smiled, pulling her in to kiss her again. this kiss was light and quick.

the next few moments were spent basically making heart eyes at each other.

so many thoughts ran through natalia's head. she was conflicted. part of her wanted to lean into matt like they were always okay. like nothing ever happened. like he didn't break her heart into a million pieces a few months ago. 

another part of her wanted to remember that. remember all the pain he caused her. remember exactly how she felt all those months ago. to move away from matt. yell at him to leave.

and another part of her just wanted peace. just wanted to forget everything that happened, ever. to dissolve into the couch and finally feel true bliss. 

maybe that was just the sick part of her.

all of a sudden, the sound of the front door unlocking echoed through the living room.

natalia and matt basically jumped apart as the door opened, maya and matteo behind it,

maya's mouth fell open as she saw matt in their apartment. she closed the door behind her slowly. "why's matt here?"

nat got up from the couch, "he felt bad about leaving me home sick alone, because he actually has a heart, unlike you," nat laughed awkwardly.

"oh, okay." maya looked skeptical.

"and since i'm not alone anymore, he can leave!" natalia pulled at up from the couch and rushed him out the door.

as matt stood in the hallway he smiled at nat, "i'll text you later, okay?"

nat nodded, "mkay." she gave him a very quick kiss on the cheek. she felt bad about making him leave so quickly but she could not deal with maya while he was still there.

she waved good bye and closed the door turning back to maya.

"so...?" maya looked at her expectingly.

nat made maya sit down and began explaining the entire night to her.

maya apologized for ruining their night. she said if she would've known matt was there she would've taken a lap around the block before coming home.

📦 dev's words !
them them them
i love nat and i feel so bad
for my poor baby, she's so confused.

also thanks for 120k reads babes ILY ALL

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