2 - May 2010

50 3 0

"Kim Namjoon, Goo Binna and Bae Juri, you will be working on the Tectonic Plates. Please come to the front of the class to collect your help sheet." The teacher called out loud, pulling Julie out of her reverie. Well, Binna did that by elbowing the girl in the ribs, but the teacher didn't have to know that.

The teenager lifted her head up, looked at her friend, and then at the front of the class where she saw Kim Namjoon, the class nerd and awkward boy picking up their sheets from the front desk. She didn't move while Binna stood up and moved the empty desk in front of them to turn around so they could start on their project. The boy saw her and made his way over to them, picking up his belongings from his desk.

"We're so lucky." Julie turned towards her friend, lifting a brow, asking what the girl meant by her words. "He knows everything, dummy. It's a blessing to be in a group with him."

"Is that your way of telling me I'm dumb?" She whispered back to her friend, keeping an eye out for their newest group member.

"No-" But Binna never got to answer her friend as Kim Namjoon sat down in front of them, in the seat she had prepared for him.

"Hi." He said awkwardly, knowing that he was the outsider between these two girls, known to be quite a secretive pair of best friends for years. He fiddled with his fingers under the desk, not knowing what to say.

"Sorry for making you awkward." Binna cut it, always jovial with newcomers.

"We were totally not talking about you."

"Seriously, we weren't." Binna elbowed Julie once again, upset that she had said something that could be so easily taken badly. "We are actually quite happy to work with you on this subject. It is quite interest-"

"Goo Binna." The teacher called out from the front of the classroom. The girl looked up only to be met with a slight glare. She realised that she was talking quite loudly.

"Sorry." She apologised and bowed to the man before turning back towards her group with an awkward smile. "Let's continue, but a bit quieter."

The group worked for the entire class, looking over their notes and the few pieces of knowledge given to them by their teacher, trying to make sense of all the information in it. It was a good thing that they had two weeks to finish the presentation. And in between that a whole weekend and four study times in their timetable, enough for them to get to know each other and work on the subject at hand (and probably other classes too). However, there was a little something that made the project that much longer for Binna. And that was the fact that there seemed to be a little tension between Namjoon and her friend.

Whatever it was made sure that both of them made a jab at the other for any simple mistake. Namjoon wasn't one to understand Julie's humour, and Julie wouldn't hear a word he said if he went on an explanation rant. You could say that both of the teenagers were frustrated by the other.

"You must be dumb, because a tectonic plate relation has nothing to do with a platonic relationship." He didn't even look up from his paper, continuing his diagram. "Platonic actually means a relationship that is intimate between two people. And I am sure you know, Tectonic plates are not people, they don't have feelings."

"And you also must be dumb because that was a joke." She bit back, stopping her reading from the book about that very same subject, "If you had looked up you would have seen that I was joking." And Binna was in the middle of it. And had been for the last two study sessions with the two. Like, this wasn't the first time either, her two classmates were dimwits, because an accident can happen once or twice. But this was close to the tenth time both were getting worked up over the same thing.

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