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Her heart rate is now stable.

It took her an hour after the intervention for her to wake up. She looks around her surroundings without knowing where she is.
Leilah: Is this heaven...? Did I die...?

The doctor tells her that she suffered a broken arm, her glass cuts had been taken off and stitched up, and she has first-degree burns from the car accident. He then lets João come into the room which shocked her.
Leilah: João?! What are you doing here??
João: I'm on vacation with my family and we're here. I didn't know you were also in Braga.
Leilah: Yeah, I wanted to get away from all this and Diego let me stay at his place.
João: How...how are you..?
Leilah: I feel like I'm broken into a million pieces, both mentally and physically...

He nods and he bites his nails in nervousness. He didn't know how to tell her that he was the one who hit her car.
João: I'm so sorry...
Leilah: You have nothing to be sorry for...I should be the one saying sorry...for cheating on you...
João: No you don't understand...I'm the one who hit your car...

Her eyes widened and he bursts out crying.
Leilah: Wha...what...?
João: I apologize! Really! I feel bad, so bad!
Leilah: No no...don't be sorry...I was drunk...I remember...I was driving all over the place...João, don't feel bad...please...it's okay...I'm alive...
João: But what if you were dead...? What if this car crash killed you...? I would forever feel guilty!
Leilah: But I'm not dead! I'm still here with you...I'm still here...

She signs him to come closer and they hug.
João: I sincerely apologize...
Leilah: It's alright...I forgive you...don't worry...

He hides his face on her shoulder and keeps crying. She hasn't seen him this sad before since the World Cup elimination. Leilah kisses his head and keeps hugging him with one arm.

The police came and told João to leave so they can ask her some questions. She knows she deliberately got drunk and used the car to go to the grocery store. She is shitting bricks because she broke so many rules.

After further questioning and since her alcohol level was 0,8%, the police suspends her license for 6 months and she needs to pay a 2,000 euro fine for her reckless driving.
Leilah: How the fuck am I gonna pay 2,000 euros?! 
Officer: If you don't pay it in the time that you're suspended, you'll be taken to prison.
Leilah: Is there another way I could- 
João: Where can I pay?

Everyone turns to João who's pulling out his wallet.
Leilah: João don't do that...
João: That's the least I can do.
Leilah: João I-
João: Take me to the station and I'll pay.

The police officers take him to the station so he can pay her fine.

Leilah felt bad for him because he was doing all this for her and yet she was the one who broke his heart. He's going through all that trouble for her.

There's a man with a big bouquet of roses and chocolate. The man puts it on the table next to her.
Man: Special delivery from Mr.Alvarez.


Toxic ~ Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now