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Who's your husband? Me It's Diego so I'm Mrs Lainez🤭

"Ah finally you come to get the kids!" Jorge said while Lainey grabs the kids' backpacks.
Jorge: Damn did you and Selena got it on?? The hickeys on your neck!
Edson: Yeah we did, it was wild for sure!
Jorge: The kids were pretty calm! They just ate a shit ton of sugary stuff though!
Edson: It's all good, thanks for taking care of them! I hope it changed your mind about kids!
Jorge: Eeehh...Just still nervous...
Edson: Show her support...Having the first baby is sometimes scary, I feel you, but when the baby is born...Man, you don't wanna let your kid go...
Jorge: It's so early in our relationship though...

Jorge sighs and Edson pats his shoulder.
Edson: Trust the process, if you really love her then the love for the baby will come naturally...
Jorge: Thanks Edson...

He smiles and the kids go back to their father as they leave.
Lainey: Hey, you did a great job taking care of their kids! It's like you're ready to be a dad!
Jorge: Thank you but I still feel a bit uncertain...
Lainey: We're in this together...You'll never be alone...
Jorge: I know I know...But...
Lainey: But we're going to be fine...As long as we stick together...Look, I still have a small bump, you've got plenty of time to adapt! We'll learn together...
Jorge: I'll try, thank you sweetheart...
Lainey: You're very welcome my love...

They both sit on the couch and Jorge makes as much research as possible about pregnancy so he can be mentally prepared for the moment. Lainey is quite happy that he's willing to try and by talking to her friends, she's also ready to have a baby with him. She loves Jorge very much since the first time they looked into each other's eyes.

A baby could maybe change the dynamic of their relationship but they are ready to face it.

Back in London, Rubi is uneasy about the fact that Magui is free and is trying to get back with João. She really wants to get that restraining order done but it takes a long time to schedule a court appointment. João went to his lawyer's cabinet to talk about how they can get it as quickly as possible. Rubi stayed home alone, she watched Too Hot To Handle for shits and giggles.

"Hey baby, what would you like for takeout? Nando's or Wingstop?" João texted her.

"Wingstop" she replied; she definitely needed some takeout to feel better.

João is very charming to her and she doesn't want to lose a man like him to a crazy woman like Magui. Luckily, everyone is on her side regarding who's the better girlfriend. Fans love Rubi because they see how she treats João and how happy he actually is with her. She kept on watching her tv show when someone knocked on the door.
Rubi: On a Sunday evening? I ain't called over anyone...

She opens the door and Magui is standing there with a smile on her face.
Magui: Thank you for keeping the house clean! Here! Your pay!
Rubi: I ain't no fucking maid...News flash Magui, you've been replaced...
Magui: Really? Because you don't really look like João's type...
Rubi: Aawwnn...you're just jealous that João is fucking me and not you...
Magui: I'm back so he will be crawling to me in no time...You better pack your shit right now...
Rubi: Uuhmm how about no...I admit, blonds are pretty but brunettes are hotter...

Magui slaps her to which Rubi responded with a more brutal slap.
Rubi: You thought you were the only one who could hit?! You don't know me quite well I see...
Magui: I don't need to know you...João and I had a great time in Salzburg...I just wanted to hand him back what he forgot in my hotel room...

She hands her João's watch.
Magui: He took it off so he doesn't get it dirty when we fucked...
Rubi: You little bitch...

She grabs onto Magui's hair and slams her against the door. A huge fight broke down as the two women throw punches at each other while João's dog, Floki is watching it unfold. Rub threw hard punches to Magui's face which was hard for her to fight back; Rubi is clearly winning.
Rubi: How dare you come here to look for some trouble and you can't even fight!!
João: Hey babe I-

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