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This picture lives in my head rent-free now 🤭

The next morning, Leilah has been served breakfast in bed by Kevin; his cooking got much better now.
Kevin: Rise and shine sweetheart! I had to go on Google to see what foods keep the baby healthy!
Leilah: Aawnn! Thank you baby!
Kevin: I'll do anything to provide for you and this beautiful child!

Kevin kisses her and she eats.
Leilah: Don't you have training this morning?
Kevin: I do but I'm suspended, remember?
Leilah: That doesn't mean you can't go to practice right? You have to stay in shape!
Kevin: Mmhhh you're right, will you be coming to watch me?
Leilah: Of course!
Kevin: Then I'm gonna go get ready then!

He changes into his training kit and she changes into comfortable clothes. Once that's done, they go to the team bus and Kevin is looking at her a couple of times and smiles.

Bro was happy.

When they arrive at the training ground, Kevin kisses her and joins the rest of the group. For the warmup, he's right next to his friend Luis Chavez who spots him looking at Leilah multiple times.
Luis: Hey Kevincito! I have never seen you smile this brightly before! Did you get laid??
Kevin: Yes but I got even greater news! She's pregnant!
Luis: What??? Congratulations bro!
Kevin: Thank you! Man, I wish that I could play the next game so if I score I would dedicate the goal to them!
Luis: You just need to wait until your suspension is over! Patience!

Leilah is looking over at Kevin who is all smiles; it makes her happy but it also reminds her that she needs to tell João that he might be the possible father. She receives a call from Diego and she picks up.
Diego: Hey! Have you told Kevin yet?
Leilah: I did and he's super pumped right now.
Diego: Buuutttt...
Leilah: I didn't tell him that it could possibly be João's too...he screamed out in the restaurant that he's going to be a father.
Diego: Oouhhh second hand embarrassment right there...
Leilah: Yeaahhh...
Diego: And João?
Leilah: I didn't tell him yet; he's definitely going to find out on social media...
Diego: Well you should tell both of them that you don't know who's the father or else this is gonna turn into chaos.

She deeply sighs; Kevin has made eye contact with her and she waves at him.
Leilah: It's going to hurt him...
Diego: It would hurt him more if that baby comes out and looks like João without telling him the possibility don't you think...?
Leilah: Yeah...I'm gonna tell him...after the doctor's appointment, he already scheduled one for me today.
Diego: Damn he really wants that baby.
Leilah: He does...He really does...
Diego: Tell me how it goes; no matter what, me and Blanca are here for you okay?
Leilah: Thanks Diego...For real, it means a lot...
Diego: You're welcome, talk to you soon.

They hang up and she continues to watch the training session. Kevin is playing excellently; since receiving the news, he's been in a great mood. She doesn't want to break that for him; that would be too cruel. But Diego is right, one way or another, Leilah has to tell him.

And she has to tell João.

She looks at her screen who is on João's contact number. Leilah's heart is pounding but she presses the call button. After a couple of rings, João answers.
João: Hello? Leilah?
Leilah: Hi João...
João: How are you? Are you okay?
Leilah: Yes I am, I just...need to tell you something...
João: What is it?
Leilah: I'm pregnant.
João: Oh! Congratulations.
Leilah: And it might be yours...

There's a long silence after what she said. João is in absolute shock; that's the last thing he would think she would tell him.
Leilah: Hello?
João: Yeah Uhm...I don't know what to say...Of course, if you were with me I'd be very happy but...
Leilah: Yeah I get it...
João: So you're gonna do a paternity test?
Leilah: I will, not now though, I have to wait a couple of months to do so...
João: Okay, when it's time, I'll come to take the test. I don't think that Kevin would like me to come over and check how you are.
Leilah: Yeah, I'll let you know about everything, I promise. I got a doctor's appointment later on so I'll text you the progression.
João: Of course, we stay in touch.
Leilah: Great, thank you. Talk to you later.

Toxic ~ Kevin AlvarezWhere stories live. Discover now