Chapter Five

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"Down there!"

The yell came from Ivy, pointing to the spot for Moonwatcher to land.

"Are you sure?" came the reply from the ink-coloured dragon, "That place hasn't had any sign of life since before the Great War."

Ivy only rolled her eyes at this. "Obviously. We had to make sure no-one would find us. No dragonma-" a word that Moon couldn't understand, "Humans, and especially not Dragons."

Moon gave a shrug, jostling Ivy, who was perched on her shoulders, and gracefully swooped down, Qibili and Ebony in close pursuit. Ebony couldn't quite fly yet, only a year or so old, so she sat on Qibli's back.

Ivy quickly slid off of Moon's back. Understandably so, the winds were high today and Ivy did not feel like getting blown away.

As she set foot on the ground, she took in the familiar sight around her. Yeah. She definitely missed this place.

"Wren? Sky? Leaf?" Ivy called out, waiting for any sort of answer. Screw this, she thought to herself as she made her way to a cave entrance. However, before she could set a toe inside, a certain Peach-coloured dragon hurried out.

"Hello? Wren? Lea- IVY!" Sky exclaimed as soon as he saw his human friend, "I thought you died! Oh my goodness I'm so sorry! I- We tried looking for you everywhere- in fact, Leaf and Wren are out on a little hunt for you right now."

The mountain dragon paused to catch his breath, and looked up at the three other dragons outside the forest floor. Sky, being Sky, gave a little awkward wave. He's always really avoided other dragons all his life. This was the first time he's ever really interacted with his own kind. How would they react?

"I'm assuming they brought you here instead of eating you?" asked Sky in the human language. Ivy could only roll her eyes. "Yes, Scale-face," She retorted, before switching over to Dragon.

"This is Sky, Sky, these are... uh.. what are your names again?" Ivy asked, realising she never really learned the names of these dragons.

"I'm Moonwatcher, you can also call me Moon," replied the black dragon, "and this is my husband, Qibili, and my daughter Ebony."

Qibili was pronounced in a strange way, Ivy noted. A little click and low intonation of a growl. Ivy was pretty sure the rough translation into Human was something like Killing-Bee.

"You said his name was Sky?" asked Qibili, a wide grin spread over his face. Moonwatcher seemed to have a look of, 'Oh no, he's about to say something stupid again' as her expression.

"Yeah... my name is Sky," Sky voiced cautiously, "Why?"

If it were possible for Qibili's grin to grow wider, it did. "I just find it funny. A Skywing named Sky."

Moonwatcher facepalmed.

Sky tilted his head in confusion. "Sky...wing?"

Qibili grew puzzled as well. "Yeah... A Skywing. That's your tribe if I'm not mistaken... even though your scale colour is different."


"We've always called them Mountain Dragons," explained Ivy.

"Has Sky never lived with his own kind before?" asked Moon curiously. Then realising what she asked might be taken as offensive she quickly corrected herself, stammering, "I mean- I don't mean it in any rude way, I'm just a little curious, since he seems to-"

"It's okay," Sky interrupted with a laugh, before his face changed into one of more seriousness, "No. I haven't. According to Wren, my mother abandoned me. She threw me into a river and left me to drown. Honestly... I think she did that because I can't breathe fire like dragons my kind usually do. Wren found me shortly afterwards and we've been a pair ever since."

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