Bro Deadass

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The sound of gunshots emitting from a crackly TV echoed around the small shed. The small TV sat before an old red couch that had pieces missing. Euronymous and Dead sat there, half paying attention to the boring film. 

"What time did Varg say he'd be back at he's been gone a good fifteen minutes by now" 

"I don't know man, it shouldn't take that long to go get cigarettes. He must've met someone" 

Answered Euronymous as he loudly opened a bag of crips. Dead leaned back onto the couch, trying to get comfortable. This was nearly impossible due to the lack of three of its legs, and a dark brown patch no one dared to touch. 

Eventually, he found a comfortable position and laid his eyes on the film once again. Euronymous continued to obnoxiously eat his crisps with the intent to distract Dead from the film. 

"Hey fuckhead, can you stop doing that"

"You mean you'd rather focus on this shitty film than me - your best friend?"

"Man.. fuck you"

Dead sighed and tried to return to his previous comfortable position but none came to pass. When he looked back at the film, he suddenly noticed a change in air. 

"Dude I thought this was a war film?"

"It is, but this is an important scene. You see..."

Dead blocked out Euronymous' nerdy ramble and looked at the screen. A tall, slightly muscular man with long hair was aggressively making out with a younger man. 

I don't like this. It's.. it's wrong. I- fuck. What is this? 

"Yo can you like.. change the channel? This is.. no"

This is the only channel you dumbass. Ever since the storm last week we lost all other channels. Sorry bro"

Dead looked away from the screen. He didn't know how to feel. 

This is so wrong.. all my life ive been taught that.. that.. 

He glanced down at his knees in order to avoid looking at the screen. Wait.

Shit no please.. god! no, not now! 

A very distinct bulge appeared on the front of his trousers. Quickly, he sat forward in order to conceal it. Surprised by Dead's sudden movement Euronymous looked over.

"You good?" He laughed softly. 

"Yeah, uh.. I just wanted to get a clearer view of the film."

"You wanted to watch faggots eating each others faces? Alright... you do you I guess" he smiled, in an attempt to fluster Dead.

"No! I - I didn't mean that I just... I was uncomfortable."

Dead grabbed one of the crusty cushions from the sofa and hugged it, trying to conceal his boner. His face blushed bright red as Euronymous reached over and ripped off the cushion. 

"That's the one with the cat piss on it. Here, take this-"

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