
485 6 17

TW for suicide, sh, veins and vivid gore

Dead sat alone in the house. Euronymous had left about a half an hour ago to run to the shops for some cigarettes. He sat on his bed, staring up into space. Nothing made any sense anymore. What he had done with Euronymous and Varg had been sinful. Even more so than burning down churches when they had fuck all to do. The shotgun stood in the corner of the room, a sense of dread looming over him. With Varg dead, he was left with Euronymous and Necrobutcher. 

God. Fucking. Damnit.

He looked back at the shotgun. Death appeared rather tempting right now. The thoughts had been echoing in his head for months now, ever since that day. Why shouldn't he do it? He already felt like a faggot. No straight guy would ever casually fuck his two best friends on a whim. What the fuck was he thinking?? He wasn't even drunk or anything he was fully sober, conscious and capable of making his own decisions. So why the fuck did he-

Never mind.

It doesn't matter anymore.

It's all over now.

Dead cried out in frustration and punched his bed. He heard a small crack in the frame before the whole bed began to come crumbling down. Deads eyes glazed over with tears of anger and shame, and he punched the remnants of what used to be his bed harder and harder u til his knuckles began to bleed. Did he.. actually like what happened? 


He didn't like it.

He's not a faggot.

Or was he? He did like it, even if just a little bit. Fuck it, he loved it. He would give anything to do it again. To feel what he felt on that day. It had been months and no one had mentioned it. There had been a few tense glances between him and Euronymous, but nothing else. These feelings, they weren't normal. He glanced at the shotgun again. It tempted him. In a fit of rage and anger he grabbed it, a couple razor blades and stormed out the door.

When he got outside, he grabbed the blades and ran the down his forearm. Blood spurt out from his veins at his wrist, dying the grass surrounding him a bright, opaque red. He smiled softly, looking around at the trees surrounding him. This would be where he was going to die. The birds were singing loudly, and the wind blew harshly into his face. He began to feel lightheaded suddenly, and grabbed the shotgun. He placed it against his forehead and without thinking, pulled the trigger.

He collapsed to the ground, his body twitching. Pieces of his brain were splattered on the fence and grass behind him. The world was eerily peaceful. 

~~~~a few hours later~~~~ 

Euronymous stopped in his tracks. He had just returned from what appeared to be a really long shopping trip. In reality he had been at a strip club. He didn't have enough money to pay for sex, but he had been watching a few girls strip for him on the poles. His boner stuck out from his tight black jeans, as he was still horny from the experience and didn't get a chance to fix himself up. 

He looked at Deads body. His mangled, blood drenched limbs were flung in every direction from the position he fell from. His face was destroyed, and his teeth were scattered on the grass. Euronymous walked over to him, his face filled with shock and horror. He looked down at his friend, now reduced to nothing but a bloody mess. His boner caught his eye, as it was stuck out, pretty obviously. He stared back to dead, and then back at his dick.

He had an idea.

He pulled out his rock hard dick and began to rub it slightly, looking down at Deads crushed face as he did so. He looked so cute when he was dead. He knelt down beside it, and played with the entrails of muscle that had been shredded by the bullets. He picked one up and placed in onto his throbbing cock and used it to slide up and down, greasing his dick with small clots of blood as he did so.


This felt good.

He stuck his dick into Deads crushed mouth and began to fuck it slowly. The bloody pieces of tissue felt amazing against his dick. He thrusted harder and harder into it, causing some parts of Deads face to fall away, but he grabbed them and pushed them back into place. He came hard into his soft, bloody mouth and moaned in pure pleasure as he bent over his dead friend. 

He smiled.

He pulled out his cock and looked down at Dead. His bloodshot eyes were rolled into the back of his head and his shredded tongue was covered in Euronymous' sticky love.


I will pay for your therapy

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